The NY Post has released a new video showing the aftermath of yesterday’s brutal executions of NYPD police officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. I don’t think any further introduction is necessary:
Gothamist has a good rundown of what we know so far about the executioners, and what witnesses saw:
A witness told the Daily News, “There were like 75 cops here and a bunch ran toward the subway after the guy. There was a huge police presence there. Even undercovers were coming out of nowhere.”
Witness Courtney Felix described to the Post, “The cops were struggling to get out of the vehicle. They were hanging onto their wounds… One was clutching at his neck and the other was holding onto his collarbone. One cop stumbled out of the driver’s side and he leaned over to fall down. He was trying to catch himself. He was mostly on the floor and he was fading out.”
Another witness told the News, “They basically dragged two cops out their car/ I saw it. One was shot in the face. There was blood coming out of his face.”
Lucy Winfree said to the News that the gunshots woke her and she went to the roof to see what was happening, “There was a cop on the ground and everyone was around him. Someone was doing CPR on the cop. They put him on a stretcher and they ran him into an ambulance. They load him in and they hauled a–.”Apparently Con Ed workers also witnessed the shooting and saw the fleeing Brinsley: According to the Post, they “followed [Brinsley] in their Con Ed truck as he ambled away from the carnage, still holding his silver Taurus semi-automatic. When they confronted Brinsley on the street, attempting to stop him, Brinsley leveled the gun at the two workers, and asked them, ‘You want some of this?’ The two backed off, and Brinsley ducked into the nearby G-train station.” The Con Ed workers then called the police to say he went into the station.
At this point, all we can do is pray for the families and colleagues. If you want to get involved in some #Hashtivism and beat back the radical narrative, you can follow the #BlueLivesMatter hashtag on Twitter.
Absolutely horrible. NY Post Video of the aftermath of NYPD execution http://t.co/vTUwwxziNN #CopsLivesMatter
— ACSpollen (@ACSpollen) December 21, 2014
NYPD: Suspect talked to 2 people prior to shooting, told them to follow him on Instagram, watch what he was about to do.-ABC7
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) December 21, 2014
How many #NYPD memorial shirts do you think #NFL athletes will wear today? #BlueLivesMatter #NYPDLivesMatter #ThinBlueLine @instapundit
— Judson Phillips (@judsonphillips) December 21, 2014

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I guess this is further proof that cops need to wear audio/video body cameras. Right?
Sure, after the race-baiting Al Sharptons and his ilk wear them first.
I’d like to hear and see what he and his ilk say and do in private when there aren’t TV cameras to which they can playact.
Interesting times we live in (Chinese proverb connotation) when a racist demagogue goes to bed an MSNBC show host and wakes up a de facto movie studio boss.
Where did this accomplice to murder get such leverage? (Rhetorical question.)
Headline I’m expecting:
“NY Suicide Victim Remembered as Troubled Gentle Giant.”
Civil society is about as delicate as a Faberge egg.
No law and order = No Justice + No Peace.
What they say in private is: “Finally!”
So, very, very sad.
I think the shooter should be called “Son of Al ( Sharpton ). and this should be called “The Son of Al shooting.”
I’m wondering if Obama will repeat his “If I had a son…”.
Hard to say.One victim was a White Hispanic and the other victim was a White Asian.
Oh, I get what you mean, the shooter/victim looked like he could be Obama’s son. Do you think the shooter/victim had a white mother too.
I’m thinking he won’t. They never own what they’ve wrought. Or should that be “rot”?
Obamason family values.
RIP. My condolences to the officers’ families. I am so sorry.
Warren Wilhelm, Jr. (Bill diBlasio) needs to resign.
The WRONG Rev. Al needs to be fired.
The WRONG Rev. Al needs to go to prison.
Pick a crime any crime from his many crimes.
OH, yeah! But prosecutions take time. Firings can happen NOW!
Snitches get a slot on MSNBC, or at least one did.
Why resign? When it comes to votes there are a lot more thugs and liberals and socialists in NY than there are police officers. Play to your strength.
‘rats don’t step down. They have no shame.
Di Blasio saw the backsides of officers. The officers turned their backs on him as he walked into the press conference.
I doubt we’ll hear much more from Di Blasio. He wants this to go away as fast as possible. But it isn’t going to go away. This is the NYPD. They don’t cave.
Yeah. He really went there…
I am so profoundly sorry for the families of the dead NYPD officers. Such a horrible loss for them to live with for the rest of their lives. Killed in cold blood doing a difficult job, a job whose importance is neither understood nor appreciated by the mayor of their city.
May God hold their souls in his loving hands.
Obama, DeBlasio, and Sharpton have the blood of these cops on their hands.
May God have mercy on the souls of these officers and enter them into His rest. May He comfort their families and give them the peace that only He can give.
May God have mercy on the country and people of the USA. Our social fabric is rent, and the head of our government has been most instrumental in tearing it. May God have mercy on Obama’s soul for what he has done to this country.
obama, Sharpton, holder, jackson, de blasio –
nbc, abc, cbs, ny slimes –
They all have one thing in common, they care nothing for the lives of anyone, of any color. They care nothing for the lives of a few police officers. Only when pain hits them straight in the gut will they “pretend” to care. They are shameless.
So are the people who put them in power. They pretend to care about the lives, but they have only one thing in common –