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“Scaled-Back” Weekend

“Scaled-Back” Weekend

It was, as usual, a busy weekend.  We covered a number of “Barrycade” events.  John Nolte at has an even more extensive list of petty and unnecessary closures and lock-outs..

Here are some of the shut-down scale-back related items we covered, in case you missed them:


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He faced braver and better men in WWII than he did in DC.

My son-in-law got a phone call this morning. It was the VA cancelling his doctor appointment due to the shut down.
When the gov’t. is in control of all healthcare things will be fine though, right?

We’re from the Gov’t and we’re here to help.

Many have noted the spiteful thinking behind Obama’s classification of activities as essential or non-essential. In some cases, the cost of shutting down an activity is greater than the cost of letting it operate, and in others the shutdown is depriving the government of income it would otherwise be earning.

Has anyone calculated the amount of money being saved with each of the shutdown activities? Has anyone calculated the cost of each shutdown activity? Has anyone calculated the lost income due to each shutdown activity?

Estimates for savings/cost/loss associated with one activity or another have been reported in some articles, but I have not seen a master list that gives us a grand total. This post links Nolte’s list of the spiteful non-essential closures. I would like to see an accompanying financial report that documents the cost or benefit to taxpayers. (No, I am not competent to produce such a report myself, so I must await the diligent labor of someone else — a redistribution of intelligence, in a manner of speaking.)

Given the limited nature of the shutdown, the decision to award back pay to furloughed government employees, and the punitive selection of which activities to shutdown (as opposed to an actual cost-benefit review), it seems likely that ultimately very little money will be saved in this whole shebang. But I could be wrong, so I would like to see some totals.

Has anyone seen an article that attempts to provide a financial accounting of the shutdown?

[…] petty, vindictive Obama administration shut down open air war memorials to American veterans and closed part of a road so people couldn’t pull over to look at Mount […]