Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes, whose group of researchers has done more than anyone to document Elizabeth Warren’s false claims to be Cherokee, was incensed at Warren’s continued insistence that she is Native American:
Let me make one thing clear. Your Native American issue has not been put to rest.
You say your “ancestry” played no roll in your hiring. That is not the only issue. You were listed as a minority in diversity reports. That is an issue. You admit you made the schools aware of your “heritage.” They counted you as a minority in their reports to the federal government when the criteria to list you as such had a two part requirement – you had to have both the ancestry and maintain tribal ties. Something you did or said led the two schools in question to believe you met those requirements despite the fact you didn’t….
You continue to skate around the issue by repeating the same story you heard growing up. You say you didn’t ask for documentation because you were a child. Excuse me, but you were not a child when you started “checking the box”; listing yourself in law directories as a minority; or were counted as a Native American for diversity reports.
You were instead, an adult, 37 years old, and a lawyer, when you professionally “became” Native American. To make matters worse, your mother was still alive. Maybe children don’t ask for documentation, but adult lawyers should….
As of today, you still refuse to release your personnel records from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Law School. If there is nothing to hide, why? …
No one really cares about your family or the stories you were told growing up, but we do care about your integrity. The “Cherokee flap” is important because it shows what you have done when you thought no one was watching. It is important because it shows what you have done when you thought you wouldn’t get caught. And it is important because it reveals you still think you can get away with it now that you have been caught.
Michael Patrick Leahy explains how Warren repeated old lies about her Native American ancestry:
In repeating her old claim that her parents were “forced to elope” because her mother had both Delaware and Cherokee Native American ancestry, Warren retold a story Breitbart News debunked in June with an article that showed her parents were married in a religous ceremony twenty miles from their hometown. Subsequent reports showed that their hometown paper proudly announced the wedding within days after the ceremony was performed on January 4, 1932.
In the debate Thursday night, Professor Warren also claimed that “the people who hired me for my jobs have all made clear they didn’t even know about it until long after I was hired.” In fact, she admitted to the Boston Globe in May that she herself had told both Penn and Harvard she was a woman of color prior to her hiring as a full time professor by Harvard.
In addition, she self identified as a “woman of color” in an article published by the Harvard Women’s Law Journal in 1993, two years before she joined the Harvard Law School faculty as a tenured professor in 1995.
Last night was a debacle for Warren. The Native American issue and how she reported it to federal authorities through Harvard is not going to go away.
.@elizabethforma will not release records b/c likely made false fed filings #tcot #masen #wbzdebate #p2
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) September 21, 2012

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In addition, she self identified as a “woman of color” in an article published by the Harvard Women’s Law Journal in 1993, two years before she joined the Harvard Law School faculty as a tenured professor in 1995.
Hey, “peach” is a color…
I prefer to use “Beige” myself.
I dunno about the rest of you, but my skin is translucent, which means that every freckle and broken capillary shows….
White is typing paper.
I counted at least six Warren signs were missing from a short bit of road I travel here in Essex County, Mass. They were there the day before. Far more Brown signs around in my view as we’re a bit more conservative up here. I take that as a very good omen.
The state can be uber liberal but when a candidate lies right to your face and then sticks to a proven lie even the kool aid drinkers take notice.
All I can say is good work and keep up the pressure.
Scott Brown needs to find a way to make Warren’s actions w.r.t. her Indian ancestry important to independent and moderate D voters in Mass. Brown in the debate barely even told the viewer what she had done to get hired at Penn and Harvard. People have gotten so used to minorities and women getting favored treatment they no longer think it’s so bad. (Yes, we conservatives recognize how it undermines society, but many don’t.)
MY IDEA: Brown should describe in general terms how affirmative action works at elite U’s such as the Ivies. They were & remain under pressure to hire a quota of minorities and women. A “twofer” is really cool, since you can add to two quotas! There were very few minorities & females at Penn & Harvard when she applied. Both institutions publicly affirmed their intense desire to hire more of both. (Establish motivation & desire.)
Describe in general terms how lawyers who practice before the bar and how U.S. Senators who make our laws need to be scrupulous abiders by the laws themselves. They need to be held to a higher standard. Lawyers who violate the law run the real risk of being disbarred (excepting minor things like traffic tickets, etc.). This also applies to TEACHERS of the law – convey the importance of rule of law, abiding by the law, centrality of it to newbie lawyers.
Build the case for applying “GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT” for Warren & her behavior w.r.t. affirmative action, a lawyer in good standing, & a U.S. Senator. And further, how it reflects on her character that she refuses to reveal what she & these two Ivies did in her past.
She would know as a highly trained lawyer what the legal niceties are for such a generic requirement for the practice of affirmative action at any university.
2ND IDEA: Brown could offer up a “compromise”: Let 2 or 3 objective, neutral highly knowledgeable experts go over her personnel file at Penn & Harvard, go over both U’s complete file of applicants for those 2 positions for which Warren was hired, and determine what the facts are for Warren & her application. Next the full & accurate context of all of the applicants for those 2 positions. Were women & minorities given favored treatment? How many applicants were male WASPs with stronger credentials on paper than Warren? Better Law Schools, more papers published, etc.
IMO a PAC should do this with no directions from him.
I think that would work better.
Re: A PAC doing it
I like your suggestion. Then Brown wouldn’t be directly associated with it. Hmm. It shouldn’t take a lot of funds. Just enough to pay 2 or 3 experts the time to go over her 2 sets of personnel files (Penn & Harvard) + the files related to those 2 openings for which she applied and won the gig. A PAC could put up the money to pay the fees/per diem to do it.
Of course, Harvard’s and Penn’s law schools might balk. Then I’d suggest Brown directly go public with it himself. Call a press conference & invite the Boston media outlets. Have the 2 or 3 experts at his side. Be very professional and detached. Say these nonpartisan experts are willing to go over the relevant files. Invite the Warren campaign to propose an expert to join the team so that they can be sure it’s done properly.
Now, I’m guessing the Warren campaign will demur. But, at least Brown will have succeeded in getting some more attention to the matter. Keep putting it before the public.
There is a lot of public information about Harvard’s push for minority & female law prof hires in that period. It could be gathered together as part of the package these 2 or 3 experts would have before they even start. Brown could use it at his press conference if the 2 schools refuse to cooperate.
It just occurred to me, Barack Obama was at the Harvard Law School from 1988 to 1991. He was big into pushing for more minority hiring of law profs. He was elected prez of the Law Review. I wonder if that was part of the reason Harvard pushed so hard to hire minorities/females – Warren was hired in 1994? 1995?
If Brown held a press conference and introduced Ms. Barnes, that would certainly get some press, especially on the heels of the debate, right? Warren has no shame to have that directed at her and not come clean. Oh yeah, she’s a Democrat.
I always hesitate a little bit when there’s a “Race” check box that includes “Native American”.
I was born here. My parents were born here. I don’t know how much more native I can be.
Now, if they come up with a check box for Texican, I’m there…
Paleface squaw speak with forked tongue.
I can’t be sure about this but I’m guessing that Prof. Warren thought this would be over and done before the first debate.
I like the idea of Senator Brown having Twila Barnes with him at a campaign stop or ten. Brown wins by keeping Warren on the defensive.
Ms. Barnes arguments fail because of one immutable fact: Elizabeth Warren is a self proclaimed and self identified Democrat. If she was a Republican then Ms. Barne’s arguments would be devastatingly en point and unanswerable by Elizabeth Warren.
But just as Bill Clinton’s being a Democrat eliminated his guilt of rape, molestation and repeated ungentlemanly behavior, Elizabeth Warren’s party identity also excuses her from such crimes and misdemeanors and legal requirements which Ms. Barne’s has the mean-spiritness to bring up.
After all, Elizabeth Warren MEANT well, which legally is not accepted as a defense, but damn well should be, because its most important to mean well-much more important that actual deeds-but again, only if you are a Democrat.
Massachusetts will become another Illinois if Warren is elected.
Leave Warren aside for a moment. Harvard and less so Penn. have dirty ,abettor hands in all this. They had a quota to fill and this obviously white woman presents herself spouting all the proper liberal nonsense and they did no due diligence to make sure her story was true? Benifits to Harvard accrued in the fed. , fill in the box game of payouts for meeting certain requirements. A true candidate was shortchanged. Lizzy and her hubby now recieve 3/4 of a mill a year rooted in part on a scam. Harvard has deep pockets , some of you are lawyers ; could not some class action lawsuit be brought for some aggreved Native Americans? Cherokees , Deleware?
She lied to gain an advantage for herself.
That she has no proof and has changed her story many times and has attempted to stonewall the situation is an indication (to me sitting on a jury) of guilty knowledge.
She may have been told those stories growing up. She may have believed them and acted on them in good faith but at some time, she became aware that they were false or not verifiable and she has made a concerted effort to cover up that knowledge and her lie. Even if I believe I’m correct but give someone false information which benefits me at the expense of that person/entity or harms a different person/entity then I owe some compensation to those affected. (I think. All you Lawyers out there feel free to correct me)
It’s not the act that is coming home to roost so much as the attempted COVER UP.
Of course, she may know her constituency too well and believe she will weather the storm. It’s possible in MA.
It’s up to Brown to deliver the final blows. He’ll have to be very, very measured in his assault.
Secondwind makes an excellent point that was discussed a while back at LI but not likely —
Prof. Warren wasn’t the only beneficiary of her ethnic fraud.
Harvard at the time was some desperate to have more ‘minorities’ at the Law School. They had promoted several white (32/32 as far as we know) faculty to tenure, and there had been protests by law students and others over the lack of minorities. Then Prof. Warren came along, and her ‘Cherokee’ status allowed them to say that they had promoted a qualified minority. They wrote of it. They talked about it. They claimed it to the Feds and they claimed it to the community.
Harvard benefitted from Warren’s ethnic fraud.
Question is, did they aid and abet it? We won’t know unless and until the relevant files come out, and (as we all might guess) will be around the Twelfth of Never.
Note also that at some point after she arrived both she and Harvard quietly dropped the whole minority recruitment gig.
We can ask the same questions about Penn.
So far the two universities have managed to deflect the attention; it’s easier to go after the candidate than the institutions; the various deans and administrators can stonewall in a way that a candidate for political office can’t.
The real shame for Ms. Warren: if she had not run for office this never would have come up. She could win appointments to the executive branch, serve on the university faculty, do the sweet consulting and TV gigs, and all this would have stayed buried. Once she ran for Senate it all came out. I wonder why she never considered that, or thought she could manage it.
Secondwind makes an excellent point that was discussed a while back at LI but not LATELY.
Gah. Fingers too fast.
Barack Obama, who used to claim to have been born outside the US, and may have attended college as a foreign student, got elected President of the United States. After that, she must have viewed the field as wide open.
[…] Cherokee genealogist to Elizabeth Warren: “Your Native American issue has not been put to rest” Posted by William A. Jacobson Friday, September 21, 2012 at 2:30pm Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes, whose group of researchers has done more than anyone to document Elizabeth Warren’s false claims to be Cherokee, was incensed at Warren’s continued insistence that she is Native American: Let me make one thing clear. Your Native American issue has not been put to rest. […]