Throughout her career and political campaign, Elizabeth Warren has found victims everywhere she looked, including when she looked in the mirror and saw an alleged descendant of one of the most historically victimized groups, Native Americans.
In what may be the ultimate and cruelest irony, not only is it unlikely that Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee, it turns out that Warren’s great-great-great grandfather was a member of a militia unit which participated in the round-up of the Cherokees in the prelude to the Trail of Tears.
The evidence resulted from a tip provided by a Legal Insurrection reader to a genealogical compilation of militia members who allegedly participated in the removal of the Cherokees from Georgia. The list included the name Jonathan Crawford, who was the husband of O.C. Sarah Smith, the person the Warren campaign has identified as Warren’s great-great-great grandmother and allegedly Cherokee.
Since confirming this genealogical information was outside my comfort zone, I forwarded the information to author and genealogist Michael Patrick Leahy, who already had written about and investigated Warren’s genealogy.
Leahy reaches the conclusion, based on a variety of sources, that Jonathan Crawford was indeed a member of the militia which rounded up Cherokees in the prelude to the Trail of Tears.
Leahy lays out the evidence supporting his conclusion in a post at, Elizabeth Warren Ancestor Rounded Up Cherokees for Trail of Tears:
But the most stunning discovery about the life of O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford is that her husband, Ms. Warren’s great-great-great grandfather, was apparently a member of the Tennessee Militia who rounded up Cherokees from their family homes in the Southeastern United States and herded them into government-built stockades in what was then called Ross’s Landing (now Chattanooga), Tennessee—the point of origin for the horrific Trail of Tears, which began in January, 1837.
Why is this the ultimate and cruelest irony?
Who Warren’s great-great-great grandparents were or what they did should be irrelevant, except that Warren has incorporated “lore” about those victimized ancestors into her own personal, professional and, now, political narratives.
Recall the background.
In the mid-1980’s through the mid-1990’s Elizabeth Warren filled out biographical forms for the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) identifying herself as Native American.
That self-designation was based solely on Warren’s family “lore” not genealogical research, and resulted in Warren being included on a list of “Minority Law Professors” in the AALS annual directory. That listing would have put Warren in a position to benefit from the desire of law schools to diversify their faculties.
Warren apparently did nothing else to follow up on her alleged heritage, such as seeking tribal membership or publicly identifying herself as Native American, even though she says her alleged Native American heritage was a frequent topic of family conversation.
When The Boston Herald discovered that Harvard Law School in 1996 was promoting Warren as Native American, Warren pleaded ignorance, and denied ever identifying as Native American in any professional capacity.
When law professor David Bernstein discovered the AALS annual directories, Warren then asserted that she listed herself that way in order to meet other Native Americans. That explanation made no sense since the AALS annual directories only list the category “minority,” not which minority. Warren also never has explained why she stopped listing herself as Native American in the AALS annual directory after joining Harvard Law.
Shortly after the controversy broke, the Warren campaign asserted that Warren’s great-great-great grandmother, O.C. Sarah Smith, may have been Cherokee based on an electronic index of a marriage license filled out by O.C. Sarah Smith’s son. That would make Warren 1/32 Cherokee, a notion which has formed the basis for Warren’s defense of her AALS listing, even though Warren was not aware of the 1/32 Cherokee connection until recently.
But further scrutiny caused that 1/32 connection to be called into question, since none of the source documents confirmed that O.C. Sarah Smith was Cherokee. According to Leahy, there is no credible evidence that O.C. Sarah Smith was Cherokee, and the best evidence is that O.C. Smith was at least partially of Swedish descent.
The entire episode has led to claims that Warren tried to game the system, to take flimsy family “lore” and spin it into minority status to help Warren in climbing the law school ladder all the way to Harvard Law School, which touted Warren’s Native American status at a time when it was under intense pressure to hire more minority law professors. To this day Harvard Law says it has a single Native American law professor, although it will not identify if Warren is that person.
Where are we as of this writing?
Warren’s Native American self-narrative has not held up to scrutiny, so far. Worse still, that narrative has revealed a cruel irony in the form of Warren’s great-great-great grandfather, who was a member of the militia which rounded up the Cherokees in the prelude to the Trail of Tears.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Some family lores are better than others, I suppose.
“When law professor David Bernstein discovered the AALS annual directories, Warren then asserted that she listed herself that way in order to meet other Native Americans.”
I can’t remember where I read it, but a Native American group at Harvard has come out and said that Warren has never once contacted them or attended any of their events.
So, I guess she lost interest in meeting people just like her.
Princess Lone Wolf…???
I dunno, this whole saga just makes me sad for my country.
Like so many Collectivists, there is NOTHING about this Warren women that indicates she even LIKES other people.
Princess Spouting Bull (as drawn by Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Ramirez)
Princess Spreading Bull. Dennis Miller on the O’Reilly Factor.
Senatorial wannabe Elizabeth Warren, aka Fauxcahontas, said she listed herself as a minority in law school directories because she was hoping to meet others with Native American roots. So isn’t it a shame that Liz took a pass on last weekend’s 17th annual Harvard Powwow????
The Harvard Law School prof was campaigning on the North Shore last Saturday while Harvard’s Native American Program filled Radcliffe Yard with Native American singers, dancers and drummers.
“The Harvard Powwow … is a great way to bring local tribes into the Harvard community, acknowledging the ancestral homelands, and show our heritage,” Cesar Alvarez ’13, the incoming president of Native Americans at Harvard College, told the Harvard Gazette.
And my invite must have been lost in the mail…
I choked on “Fauxcahontas.” Cruel, but real. And funny.
Given the variegates of the law and of other aspects of life, is it possible that since her GGG Grandfather did in fact persecute her GGG Grandmother’s people before those two ancestors married, and that she’s in fact the product of an abusive relationship going back many years, which is only now being completely understood?
Or, does Ms Warren in fact owe an apology for all the mean and disgusting acts performed by her GGG Grandfather and his minions, to all non-majority peoples everywhere.
Is there anyone here who can reasonably explain the meaning of Ms. Warren’s ancestry such that she is, or is not, absolved of all further blame for anything and everything else.
I had a similar wondering… if the ggg-granddad was involved with Cherokees, that did he marry one… just idle curiosity.
I am enjoying LI’s investigative journalism in this ongoing story. What a stand-up job!
Princess Dances Alone. The tears are for the Cherokees oppressed.
Warren’s great-great-great grandpapa was just being a good Jacksonian Democrat 😉
In 1813 800 Cherokee reluctantly helped Jackson fight off Tecumsah & his Shaunee who had sided with the British . (The Shaunee had asked for them to join an alliance against The americans ).
Then they helped him beat their historical enemies The Creek at The Battle of Horseshoe Bend by sneaking up behind the Creek lines by canoe.
So having sided with the Democrat Jackson it was all downhill from there.
Of course it is more complicated than that but it is a good barb to attack Democrat friends with at dinner parties.
Also The Cherokee are no angels but that is a secret.
(My information is from The Civil War In The Smokies” Neil Fisher 2005. published by The Great smokey Mountans Assoc.. Neil is an ex Ohio histoian ho lives in Charlotte NC . Recommend his books.
She’s a perfect leftist with a great career ahead of her. In fact, she can strengthen the democratic ticket this fall by replacing Joe Biden for veep.
Hokumhantus’ press spokesman stated, “Family lore says that great-great-great grandpa was really a Cherokee who joined the militia so he could go out and meet others like himself.”
What’s the lady got to do so you believe her?!? [sarcasm off]
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive! This story so perfectly illustrates that old quote!
Or, as that distinguished American theologian Jeremiah Wright might have said, “Whining Wussy’s chickens….are coming home….to roost!”
[…] By claiming to have Native American blood, Senatorial candidate Elizabeth Warren has opened up a can of worms that may be her undoing. Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has been writing about this bizarre Indian saga, and it looks like Lizzie got caught in a lie. […]
Ya think?
When you leave the truth behind pretty soon it comes knocking at your door.
This calls for a song:
Whispering-down-the-lane family history transformed from “being a Native American” to the truth; “taking part in oppressing Native Americans.” Nice job there Warren. Any normal person would be mortified. I agree with ‘MTED’, this will probably win her a place in Whatshisname’s administration.
Group guilt where the sins of the father are handed down to the son or where one tribe is held guilty of the actions of all of its members is a thing only practiced in primitive cultures by barbarians… such as we have become. Warren illustrates perfectly what you get into when you try to do anything but hold the individual responsible for his own actions. Does she get the free pass handed to the oppressed Indians or does she suffer the discrimination now meted out to the white oppressor when her ancestors consist of both?
As an aside I have to disagree that there is no proof Smith was an Indian. She has “OC” right in her name “Original Cherokee” just like “OG” is original gangster.
I disagree. The cruelist part, at least for Professor Warren, is that she is not the actual Donk nominee yet. I have no doubt the party bosses are trying to figure out a) which of the other candidates who withdrew should UNwithdraw and b) when the best time to unwithdraw is.
As things stand now, any other candidate who can get enough support (a mere 15%) in next month’s State Convention to get on the Dem primary ballot can pretty much be assured of a victory in September’s primary.
After the Fauxcahantas business, can that person beat Brown? Unlikely…
… but .. but the “Trail of Tears” was built by everybody with our tax dollars .. yada yada yada .. Amen
[…] UH OH. Turns out Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-great grandpa helped round up Cherokees […]
[…] (Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion) In what may be the ultimate and cruelest irony, not only is it unlikely that Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee, it turns out that Warren’s great-great-great grandfather was a member of a militia unit which participated in the round-up of the Cherokees in the prelude to the Trail of Tears. […]
I forwarded this on Twitter and was “screamed” at in all-caps by a race-obsessed progressive. Some people are so touchy…
[…] […]
I bet her face is red.
[…] be sure you read the latest in regard to Warren’s ‘Native American ancestry‘. Turns out, it ain’t as pretty as she originally thought. […]
Our liberal masters are frauds, through and through. This is disgusting and revealing, but not surprising.
[…] considered a “racist” statement if a conservative made them. It turns out according to Legal Insurrection, that Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-great grandfather was a member of a militia unit which […]
I feel a quotation coming on … ah, yes, “To a Louse” by the great Robert Burns:
“O would some Power the gift to give us
To see ourselves as others see us!
It would from many a blunder free us,
And foolish notion:
What airs in dress and gait would leave us,
And even devotion!”
[…] In case you were wondering: O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford is Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Cherokee’ ancestor; and by ‘Cherokee’ I mean ‘actually probably Swedish.’ See AoSHQ for more. Also, see Legal Insurrection for the original revelation. […]
Have I mentioned before that I love this story?
I’ll get the popcorn…!!!
(Very authentic Native American snack, you know…)
Butter? Satisfying smoke?
In that order…
The hell with the popcorn- gimme a smoke!
[…] true heritage came as a direct result of a lead provided to me by William Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection, who in turn had received the information from one of his readers. Jacobson, who has questioned […]
[…] Indian Elizabeth Warren is also 1/32nd descended from a Tennessee militiaman who marched the Cherokee away on the “Trail of […]
This is one of the funniest things to come out of politics in years!
many claimed Cherokee blood to buy or sell land owned by Cherokee’s. it makes perfect sense that Crawford rounded up and OC Crawford would be declared Cherokee. anyone done any research in Georgia land records?
Award winning cartoonist Michael Ramirez nails it again in today’s Investors’ Business Daily, right down to the name sticker
[…] In case you were wondering: O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford is Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Cherokee’ ancestor; and by ‘Cherokee’ I mean ‘actually probably Swedish.’ See AoSHQ for more. Also, see Legal Insurrection for the original revelation. […]
So, Elizabeth Warren’s ranted about Wealth Redistribution and “the roads to your success” are built upon “We The People” while her own success was built upon the Trail of Tears.
Not to mention that Salt deposits of Eastern Oklahoma were crucial to American Indian tribes livelihood…
Oklahoma Historical Society
The US government had to step in to keep her allegedly Cherokee ancestors from hogging it all.
[…] In case you were wondering: O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford is Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Cherokee’ ancestor; and by ‘Cherokee’ I mean ‘actually probably Swedish.’ See AoSHQ for more. Also, see Legal Insurrection for the original revelation. […]
Excelent work! Haha…my gosh! Keep on exposing the left, I’m loving it!
Trail of Jeers.
[…] consolation to offer Elizabeth Warren. Follow Nez Perce Chief Joseph’s advice and surrender: “From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.” Throughout her career and political campaign, Elizabeth Warren has found victims everywhere she […]
So has Harvard School of Lore terminated the Gottlieb Professor of Lore, Crockajawea Warren? Why hasn´t she been disbarred or will she follow the example of her bossman, the Mulatto in Mom jeans who voluntarily (¿¿?) gave up his license.LOL
Um, why would they terminate her? Does this incident somehow make her less of an expert on bankruptcy law? And why would she be disbarred? It’s embarrassing, but what rule of professional conduct does it violate?
How about falsifying her application?
That presumes that she put this lie on the application itself. Of course, now that Harvard has publicly stated that being an Indian (pretindian?) didn’t factor into the hiring decision it will be more than a little embarrassing to fire her for not being an Indian.
Of course, being an assumed indian may not have factored into the hiring decision–it just may have factored into the interviewing decisions.
Doesn’t Warren now owe reparations(ah the sweet irony)? Not only for her ancestor’s role in the trail of tears, but for displacing a true minority from a Harvard position. Completely contemptable.
Displacing a “true minority”? What “true minority” do you think would have been hired? Nobody is alleging that she was hired for her minority status.
No, but she was a two bagger when it came to Hahvad filling out forms for the gubmint- woman and Indian (I resent the use of the term “native American”, since I was born here!)
Hahvad got their money’s worth out of her sham.
Never heard of racial quotas? Warren was counted in the diversity calculus and as a result, a deserving true minority applicant was displaced.
Meanwhile, Senator Scott Brown is popping open a cold one, sitting on his most comfy recliner and enjoying the show – and passing the popcorn, to boot! 🙂
I wish he had that much sense. Instead:
Bad idea.
The proper tactic is to mock Warren and imply, without ever saying so outright, that Warren is as little qualified, and as underhanded, wrt the Senate as she was wrt Harvard. The mockery should be done by surrogates while Brown talks about what a good Senator he is.
Mock the Left and they’re tongue-tied. Attack them and they play the victim. They have lots of practice. They’re good at it. So far Warren’s efforts to play the victim have not gained traction, but IMO Brown’s frontal attack will help her.
I keep cautioning that a campaign against an incumbent President can afford very few unforced errors. Ditto for Republicans, including RINOs, running in a blue state like MA.
Why not mock & then execute?
Pale face speak with forked tongue.
Too much?
I denounce myself……(again).
[…] to begin the march on the Trail of Tears. Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection chronicles this sordid tale: In what may be the ultimate and cruelest irony, not only is it unlikely that Elizabeth […]
[…] who helped round up the Cherokees for the Trail of Tears. William Jacobson calls it the “Cruelest Irony.” I’ll say.In what may be the ultimate and cruelest irony, not only is it […]
[…] Tongue” – Cruel irony in Elizabeth Warren’s Cherokee saga.(LI).Throughout her career and political campaign, Elizabeth Warren has found victims everywhere she […]
[…] Tears, which began in January, 1837.The original tip came from a reader of William Jacobson’s Legal Insurrection blog. Nice pickup.The moral to the story? When Democrats or the media make an assertion, it’s […]
Well this should put to rest the idea that Democrats were and are anti-military. Elizabeth Warren descends from a long line of distinguished military/militia citizens who proudly wore the uniform.
Romney, on the other hand, never served in the military and his questioning the decedents of those who took up the call smacks of hipocracy and again shows the Republicans deep seated hate and fear of successful women.
Smacks of hypocrisy eh? That’s rich. Republicans have a deep-seated contempt for privileged women who prey on the decency of middle America. Selling policies to lift true victims of prejudice tugs on the old heartstrings and prods a bit of guilt in those who never took a handout doesn’t it? Naturally, the true beneficiaries of these programs are hypocrites like Warren who would elbow the nearest Native American out of her way to claim some bullshit birthright.
I’m pretty sure Anchovy was being ironical. (Well done, too.)
Oops, never mind 🙂
No problem. I don’t know what happened. I laid down to take a nap (I can nap because I live off my investments in large greedy corporations that exploit women) and when I woke up I really felt lousy. I thought I had turned into Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and wrote that comment.
It was scary for a while until I realized that what I really needed was a full healthy bowel movement. Everything is fine now. Sorry if I confused you.
“the ultimate and cruelest irony”
“Fauxcahontas,” indeed.
[…] Report: Elizabeth Warren’s ancestor may have … rounded up Cherokee for Trail of Tears In what may be the ultimate and cruelest irony, not only is it unlikely that Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee, it turns out that Warren’s great-great-great grandfather was a member of a militia unit which participated in the round-up of the Cherokees in the prelude to the Trail of Tears. __________________ Join the OWS "Obama's Wall-street Stooges " GA_googleFillSlot("usmb-728×90-bottom"); […]
[…] (Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion) In what may be the ultimate and cruelest irony, not only is it unlikely that Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee, it turns out that Warren’s great-great-great grandfather was a member of a militia unit which participated in the round-up of the Cherokees in the prelude to the Trail of Tears. […]
Kudos to you Prof Jacobson!
Your name was mentioned here relating to this story.
“…there is no credible evidence that O.C. Sarah Smith was Cherokee, and the best evidence is that O.C. Smith was at least partially of Swedish descent.”
As proof, the Warren campaign reported that O.C. is short for Obviously Cherokee.
So how is Princess Spreading Bull going to spin this?
That’s not irony, that’s just desserts. Or as Rev. Wright would say “Her Cherokees were coming home to roost.”
I think it’s time to end this racial scorecard keeping and just admit were all in this same leaky boat together and if it founders and sinks it won’t matter much what the color of your skin or the church you go to for the effects to hurt you and your family. And that’s who were really in this game for anyway.
Congratulations to you, and your readers/source, for staying on top of this from the beginning and doing the work to put this out in the open.
Really nice work. I don’t where this will all end up, I’m not qualified to comment on the genealogy work, but where there is smoke, there is fire. Each inconsistency adds up to evidence of bad intent. As they say, its not the initial action but the cover-up that kills. And if you are used to the media covering for you, well, what a surprise when you run into the conservative blogosphere.
I read a number of blogs, but in terms of tone, the ability to get ahead of or spot a trend early, and grab onto it like a bulldog on a bone, Professor, you run one of the best. From the national scene to individual stories like this, the Widener law professor, etc. you do our cause, and our nation, proud. Really, really fun to see this stuff in action.
Still a lot of work to be done between now and the general election, but I would say you earned a nice cold beer tonight.
(FYI, I contributed to Mourdock, that’s looking like another win too. Credit yourself for your influence helping there too … and on that note, one more time, I’d like to ask to put Cruz up on the board as a Senate race to target where I think we can have an impact.)
Well said. And let me join in thanking you PJ for what you do!
[…] Legal Insurrection: Cruel Irony in Elizabeth Warren’s Cherokee Saga […]
I am not sure where this comment came from (Nine-E posted it at my site but I think found it somewhere else), but it is the best so far: “she found her Indian blood…not in her veins, but on her hands.”
There’s an old saying: If you want to know your family history, get into politics. It seems to work.
Elizabeth Warren represents what is wrong with liberalism.
[…] for more. Also, see Legal Insurrection for the original revelation.…cherokee-saga/ The question is, of course, whether bringing all of this up is actually transcendentally mean of […]
[…] Oh, boy: Warren’s Native American self-narrative has not held up to scrutiny, so far. Worse still, that narrative has revealed a cruel irony in the form of Warren’s great-great-great grandfather, who was a member of the militia which rounded up the Cherokees in the prelude to the Trail of Tears. […]
If you want to go to the Warren fundraiser $1000-$10,000 on Wednesday at The Bad Robot
hollywood. It is called Massechussetts Night.
[email protected] .
They might give Indians discounts.
[…] has questioned Warren’s explanation for her law faculty listing, calls this discovery “the ultimate and cruelest irony” of the Warren Cherokee […]
[…] the benefit of the doubt that she was 1/32nd Cherokee. But it turns out I’m wrong. She’s 1/32nd Cherokee-forcible-remover: Not only is it unlikely that Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee, it […]
Seriously, can we lay off Elizabeth Warren and go back to the “ishoos” yet?
This thing is over. We’ve proven she’s got Native American blood. It’s just that it’s on her hands, not in her bloodstream.
[…] (Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion) In what may be the ultimate and cruelest irony, not only is it unlikely that Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee, it turns out that Warren’s great-great-great grandfather was a member of a militia unit which participated in the round-up of the Cherokees in the prelude to the Trail of Tears. […]
[…] William Jacobson: Throughout her career and political campaign, Elizabeth Warren has found victims everywhere she […]
[…] this travesty (the most appropriate word for this form of identity envy, especially in light of this) to our attentions. Now we can do something about it. Those slots in the best schools and at the […]
[…] you know the full story. Via Legal Insurrection, a cruel irony in Elizabeth Warren’s saga: Throughout her career and political campaign, […]
[…] Jacobson, aided by some very determined people, has uncovered some more damning facts about […]
[…] to put icing on this cake – Elizabeth Warren DOES have ancestors that rounded up Native Americans for the Trail of Tears! Just […]
[…] this travesty (the most appropriate word for this form of identity envy, especially in light of this) to our attentions. Now we can do something about it. Those slots in the best schools and at the […]
[…] In·sur·rec·tion – Cruel irony in Elizabeth Warren’s Cherokee saga submitted by The Glittering […]
[…] » Cruel irony in Elizabeth Warren’s Cherokee saga […]
[…] also had Bill Jacobsen over at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion with Cruel irony in Elizabeth Warren’s Cherokee saga, submitted by The Glittering Eye. It seems that not only did Fake-a-Hontas use her supposed 1/32 […]
[…] my attention when he forwarded the link of an online record of it he received from the same reader who contacted him about Ms. Warren’s great-great-great grandfather Jonathan Crawford’s […]
[…] place with 4 votes! – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion- Cruel irony in Elizabeth Warren’s Cherokee saga submitted by The Glittering […]
[…] is the curious case of Elizabeth Warren who for years passed herself off a Native American Indian, Fauxcahontas. When it was later revealed that she may have committed “academic fraud” by describing […]
[…] is not even 1/32 Native American-she is EXACTLY like Ward Churchill with no indian blood. The Cruel Irony, as William Jacobson says at Legal Insurrection, is that her Great-great-great grandfather, Jonathan Crawford, was a member of the Tennessee militia […]