Ann, we get it, you support Mitt and you don’t like Newt. Nothing wrong with that, everyone is entitled to an opinion.
But in the quest to sink the U.S.S. Newt, you are becoming a political kamikaze.
First, you played the birther card on the entire Tea Party movement, claiming that the only reason Romney does not get Tea Party support is that Tea Party supporters want someone “bombastically” to demand Obama’s birth certificate and call him a Kenyan.
Your birther card play was eerily similar to Glenn Beck suggesting that any Tea Party supporter who preferred Newt over Obama did so based on race.
The Tea Party movement was the single greatest motivating force behind Republican wins in 2010, and is a critical component of any winning Republican coalition in 2012. Romney himself recognizes this as he has been trying to portray himself as the “ideal Tea Party” candidate. Almost no one believes it, but at least Romney was appealing to the Tea Party while you were willing to torpedo the Tea Party to sink Newt.
Now you are following Beck down another destructive path, insisting that Newt is so bad you would prefer Ron Paul (h/t HotAir via Right Scoop):
Ron Paul? How do you get from supporting someone who still stands by Romneycare to someone who wants to go back to the gold standard? Or at least, how to you make that intellectual journey with a straight face?
You have reached the point where your persona is about to crash into the conservative aircraft carrier. It’s not too late to pull back. Chris Christie is waiting for you on shore.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Too low…too low…higher..HIGHER…wave off wave off wave off!!!
You have reached the point where your persona is about to crash into the conservative aircraft carrier
Too late. Miss Strident ceases to be credible.
Laura Ingraham is in the same boat as Ann.
I stopped reading her books some time ago and recently removed her web site from my computer. My mistake was to buy her books. That won’t happen again.
The unquiet desperation of the Coulter Club deserves a Romney or a Paul.
But the country deserves a statesman like Gingrich.
The crazy Uncle Ron Paul just got a little crazier … saying “Manning should be seen as a “political hero” and “true patriot who reveals what’s going on”.
If Manning is a “whistleblower”, perhaps he should have chosen a better route than Assange, and not just handed over everything to a potential enemy.
Paul is popular for attacking out of control spending. Romney still seems willing to spend, but promises more money to the states for them to handle health care. Newt will make big deals with Democrats. Perry seems most willing to make cuts … but he needs to get past the stumbling, fumbling bad debater image.
Romney can be tolerable if he promises strong specifics for conservatives, as Nikki Haley said he did for her. Ann has a point about Romney being “generic”, but her attacks on Tea partiers isn’t helpful, especially since she not that long ago claimed Romney could not win.
Who knew the “looney’s on the left” were just as numerous and embarrassing as the “looney’s on the right”? Coulter has jumped the shark. Henceforth, as she struggles to survive she will mark all future dates “AN”, and cry herself to sleep considering how intellectually dishonest she became during this key test of her ethics and personal character. Sad.
It seems like anyone who’s a ‘known’ conservative, either within the Republican party, or outside of it, is doing their best to get Obama re-elected. It reminds me of Will Rogers’ quote “I am not a member of any organized political party. I, sir, am a Democrat”.
I guess they would rather have the ‘devil they know’ than the one they don’t. And people won’t change, until the pain of changing is far greater than the pain of staying the same. We just need another 5 years of pain (or maybe more) before the light goes on for people.
Pre-Obama, I viewed Ann Coulter as an entertainer because of her hyperbolic tendencies. With the onset of Obama, the hyperbole became reasonable. I view Coulter’s attacks on Newt as returning to hyperbole.
The question for all those who want to see Obama defeated is what do they want? This is akin to the professor’s yearning for Romney to stand for something other than “not the other guys, and not Obama.”
Return to status quo pre-Obama? Romney: nothing solved, but unlikely to get exponentially worse, just worse due to the debt and size of govt. Candidate for “In a hole stop digging.”
Try to fix the mess Obama and Bush created? Newt: some govt shrinking, some govt growing, but likely to do something. Upheaval will happen again. On the bright side since no one’s endorsing him – he’s not beholden to anyone. Candidate for “Stop digging in this hole. Spread the dirt around. Dig other holes and maybe find something good. Ohh! a shiny!”
Try to fix the mess since Lincoln instituted marshal law, Truman/Ike made us a super power, and Nixon took us off the gold standard? – Ron Paul – Biggest problem is that the Way-Back-Machine only exists in Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons. Biggest benefit – will stand by his ideology to the extremes. No one ever asks the democrats or republicans to take their ideology to their respective logical extreme.
Bachmann/Santorum/Perry: straight GOP without accepting that fiscal conservative is not social conservative.
Johnson: RP lite
Huntsman: Romney lite
Chris Christie is on the plane with her. I just heard him on FOX about a half hour ago. It was a 10 minute Romney sales pitch.
Why don’t these idiots let the PEOPLE decide, then get behind the Republican that the PEOPLE choose?
I’m disgusted by all of these bozos.
Tamminator | December 21, 2011 at 10:46 am
Haven’t you heard that we are intellectually inferior and therefore incapable of making such a transcendental decision for ourselves. Our betters have to “guide” us so that they can continue to feed at the trough.
I’m remembering when Arianna Huffington debated on Wm F Buckley’s side against libs. Never would have believed she’d become one. Almost like Deja vu with Coulter.
I have always noticed a sort of adolescent, giggly, sorrority-girlish aspect to Coulter lying beneath the aggressive, acid-tongued exterior affect. I’m not describing it well. There are many adults in this world who remain adolescents developmentally, proceeding as much on emotion as intellect, and perhaps this contributes to her unfathomable choices.
radiofreeca, you are close, very close.
Because of the TEA Party and Conservatives, there is a Republican majority in the House, and likely will be in the Senate if we have elections next year. Patriots and Conservatives are not a totally congruent set with Institutional Republicans.
If the Institutionals are to avoid having their very profitable rice bowls broken and keep on collaborating with the enemy; they have to maintain the status quo at all costs.
Republicans holding both Houses, they hope can be controlled and neutered by the current Institutional leadership. However, if that is combined with the presence of a Republican president who is not under the thrall of the Institutionals; there is no excuse for them not fixing things.
Quite literally, the Institutional Republicans would rather lose the election to Obama rather than have ANYONE from the Republican Party who has any interest in fighting the enemy on any point of contention elected. Thus the love for Romney and attempt to force him down our throats so that he can lose like Dole and McCain [whose latest calls for the Republican House to surrender to Obama shows he has not changed since Kerry wanted him to be the Democrat VP]. If he should accidentally win; there will be no changes in policy [other than the continuing slow slide to the Left], no changes in how business is done, and most importantly no Institutional Republican rice bowls broken.
Eventually, everyone in the Republican party is going to have to make a choice of sides. Ann Coulter chose now to join Noonan, Brooks, Frum, and Parker. If Romney is defeated in the primaries; she will join them in supporting Obama as “true conservatives”. Make book on it.
Subotai Bahadur
Ann Coulter, Jen Rubin and Laura Ingraham – middleaged Three Heather wannabes.
Cat on a hot tin roof moment…. “Hey Sarah!!!! Sarah!!!! Come out Sarah!!!!”
What Subotai said.
And I, for one, have NEVER liked Ann Coulter.
She’s nasty wrapped up in blonde.
1. What Subotai and Tamminator both said!
2. What huskers-for-palin said!
Always felt that Palin was our fall-back candidate of choice but she needs to make up her mind on when to declare and especially to explain why the hesitation; which I feel was necessary but she has to make that explanation herself.
OTOH: Newt is a good guy and he is the best to articulate views that I like and who is winnable as it now stands. Santorum needs to stick around still he provides our reserve bench for 2016 and beyond.
“You have reached the point where your persona is about to crash into the conservative aircraft carrier. It’s not too late to pull back.”
Of course, the most shameful thing was for a kamikaze pilot to return from a mission.
If not 2012, would like to see Palin “go out into the wilderness” (like Reagan 1976 and, to a lessor extent, Nixon 1960) and start building infrastructure. There’s always a possible VP option if she wants it.
Ask your wife about the perimenopause and maybe you can be a little more sympathetic toward Ms. Coulter.
Reminds me of the bumpersnicker “I’m out of hormones and I’ve got a gun”. Perimenopause is VERY difficult, remember Lizzie Borden.
Happy Hanukkah!
Very short video of the modern day Maccabbees in Israel today.
Indeed, my wife struggled a bit with menopause. We’re hoping she’ll be paroled by 2020.
On the other hand, there are those of us who think that Ann is deliciously funny, and that she scores some damn good political points.
She even incites humorless “progressives” to throw pies at her, for crying out loud . . . and miss! That qualifies her, at least on some level, as Presidential material!
Furthermore, she has over time, shall we say, displayed a tendency to “turgidity of expression” even in her writings, a style that frequently serves to underscore her overall points, with the bonus of an accompanying belly laugh!
Finally, this was said on a humor show — Red Eye — a peculiar venue where all of the guests can ONLY score their “approvals” via purposeful bloviations. It’s their schtick . . .
Nevertheless, she did keep a straight face when she said it. While acknowledging that the very best humorists have perfected that art, Ann will quite often chuckle at her own tomfoolery.
So, lets presume that she really meant it. Wow. Well chalk me up as a naysayer on that one!
I will also admit that back when she was promoting Chris Christie for POTUS, some of us living here in New Jersey became just a wee bit alarmed, namely because we wanted the guy to stick around and continue the fine job he had begun here.
He agreed. And all is well on that front — well, except with Democrats, their supporters in the media, and those Republicans who just plain don’t like Chris Christie because he is a Mitt Romney supporter.
Ok, Ok, how do I get a photo, of my choosing, on my Word Press profile? Come on now, not having that option via Word Press is frustrating! Google allows one, Facebook allows one, what’s up with Word Press? Or, did I miss the secret handshake meeting?
OTOH: Coulter is diving straight onto the deck of our boat so let’s shoot her down before she sinks us? Another possibly is to make her CINCUS since that seems to be an apt acronym for her now.
You need to go to Gravatar and hook up the email addy you used to register with whatever pic you want to upload from your computer.
Doug, re: your question . . . does this help?
Doug, I seem to be having a bit of difficulty posting links . . . so okay, once again, here it is. Does that help in posting a photo of your choice?
Notwithstanding her appearance on Red Eye, she was on Hannity’s radio show yesterday and was not trying to score comedic points- she was nasty and dead serious. I wish she’d shut the heck up with the slams; we can disagree and you can point out why she’s supporting Romney, but you can do it without bloodletting.
I would suggest to her that in the end, if Newt wins, the wounding she and others of the establishment have inflicted on him will mean that Obama’s reelection will have been sanctioned by the same folks that gave us McCain and Dole.
The Ruling Class does not like to lose and they do not want to take direction from those of us who constitute the great unwashed.
I was a Democrat until the Party left me; I’m now seeing the same thing happening with the GOP and am prepared to leave it after the performance I’ve witnessed against Newt.
Simply stated, anyone but Romney(or Paul).
On the other hand, there are those of us who think that Ann is deliciously funny, and that she scores some damn good political points.
She has even incited humorless “progressives” to throw pies at her, for crying out loud . . . and miss! Heck, that qualifies her, at least on some level, as Presidential material!
Furthermore, she has over time, shall we say, displayed a tendency to “turgidity of expression” even in her writings, a style that frequently serves to underscore her overall points, with the bonus of an accompanying belly laugh!
Finally, this was said on a humor show — Red Eye — a peculiar venue where all of the guests can ONLY score their “approvals” via purposeful bloviations.
It’s their shtik . . .
Nevertheless, she did keep a straight face when she said it. While noting that the very best humorists have perfected the art of keeping a “straight face,” even in a hostile environment, Ann will quite often chuckle at her own tomfoolery.
So, let us presume that she really meant it. Wow. Well chalk me up as a naysayer on that one!
I will also acknowledge that back when she was promoting Chris Christie for POTUS, some of us living here in New Jersey became just a wee bit alarmed, namely because we wanted the guy to stick around and continue the fine job he had begun here.
He agreed. And all is well on that front — well, except with Democrats, their supporters in the media, and those Republicans who just plain don’t like Chris Christie because he is a Mitt Romney supporter.
Sorry for the double hit . . . I didn’t realize the first one had posted as I was gathering a few illustrative links for my comment. Curiously, the preview did not disappear, and I didn’t think I had hit “Submit.”
Talk about blowing up your brand. Coulter has crunched herself up into the little bitty ball of Christie-is-the-only-one which morphed to Romney-is-the-only-one. Neither Christie nor Romney are Reagan conservatives. Newt isn’t either, but he at least has some fundamental national conservative achievements under his belt.
Didn’t O’Donnell endorse Romney, and Romney welcome her support?
What’s the guffawing in the video about her endorsement? Coulter seems to be implying that anyone pleased by an O’Donnell endorsement is a bozo.
Even my Sweet Baboo Mark Steyn is having Newt problems, though he has done more a Death Blossom (unaware that he is hitting Reagan, Palin, Steven Hayward and conservative consultants in attacking Newt) than a Kamikaze in his latest NR article. At least Steyn overtly praises Sarah Palin as one of the riches of the Republican party and points out major conservative errors that both Newt and Mitt have. Can’t say the same for Coulter.
If Ann Coulter had a standard set of principles, by which she praised those who fit it, and denounced those who did not, on a consistent basis, I would say she would be credible.. but when she goes from candidate to another, trashing one, then praising them, which her applied conservative principles are only used for convenience, instead of a steady rule, then she becomes un-credible and loony as the those on MSNBC, and so on..
This is just more evidence that Ann Coulter is a Republican party establishment crony hack RINO jour-no-list, who has nothing but contempt and disdain for any and all patriotic tea party constitutional Reagan conservatives, in the Republican Party.. Crony Capitalist Republican Party RINO candidates like Romney, whom she once denounced, but now adores, exposes her hypocrisy and the result is her crackpot hack crony journalist mentality, is now showing for all to see..
TeaPartyPatriot4ever . . . here’s a thought.
Why not string together a slew of pejoratives and just spit them in a lump at Ann? You know, like . . . all at once? And while you’re at it, please be sure to omit any factual explanation whatsoever as to why those little gobs of spit balls of yours all fit so nicely together!
It should be enough that you know what you mean, no? I mean, it’s not like you need to persuade anyone else of your views.
As you seem to suggest, supporting one candidate, who subsequently reaffirmed his disinclination to run this year, and then deciding to support another candidate in the race, is proof enough of real treachery!
The horror!
As we all know, serial name calling is indeed the most time tested and effective form of written critique!
Yep. Take that Ann, you … you … “Republican party establishment crony hack RINO jour-no-list” with your “crackpot hack crony journalist mentality …”!
Whew! I feel better already.