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US Supreme Court Tag

The Washington Post on Elena Kagan:Kagan's version of middle-age seems stuck in a time warp, back when 50-something did not mean Kim Cattrall or Sharon Stone, "Cougar Town" or "Sex and the City." --------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

In Graham v. Florida, the Supreme Court held that it violated the constitutional prohibition against cruel and unusual punishments to imprison someone with no possibility of parole based upon crimes, other than homicide, committed while a juvenile.These lines (at page 40 of the pdf.) in...

A lot of people are upset about these lines in Pat Buchanan's column, Are Liberals Anti-WASP?: If Kagan is confirmed, Jews, who represent less than 2 percent of the U.S. population, will have 33 percent of the Supreme Court seats.Is this the Democrats' idea of...

It's like a class reunion. My law school classmate Elliot Spitzer swears he didn't date Elena Kagan. Now my classmate Ruth Marcus swears Kagan is not gay (and neither is Ruth, she makes sure to note).The main point of Ruth's column is that it's tough...

Not Tea Partiers, gun nuts, wingnuts, NASCAR dads and moms, or bitter clingers.Not loony-lefties, nutroots, socialist revolutionaries, or Kos-sacks.No, there is a gathering crowd with a thirst for revenge, who will not be satisfied unless and until we get on the Supreme Court...

From my favorite political scientist (who lists an outdated place of employment in his post bio)[see update], Can Kagan Win Over Liberals?:Recently, I argued that President Barack Obama should take advantage of the unusually favorable political situation to appoint a strong, proven liberal to replace...

The Obama administration is beginning to push back against the accusation by four law professors that Elena Kagan had a discriminatory hiring record while Dean of Harvard Law School.I highlighted these claims -- and the paucity of logic behind them -- in my prior post,...

On Monday I posted about Elena Kagan's written answers to the Senate Judiciary Committee in connection with her nomination for Solicitor General. I noted that while Kagan evaded and talked around many questions, which is all too typical for a nominee, Kagan did not avoid the...

Phew:We'd heard the former governor actually dated Kagan when they were students at Harvard, but a spokeswoman for Spitzer denied any love connection. "They have been good friends since 1977 -- when they were college freshmen. They never dated," said Spitzer's rep.Not that there would...

I have the answer to the question of why we get conservative rock stars nominated for the Supreme Court, while they get groupies.Here it is:So keep banging the spoon on the high chair.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:The Great Deception of 2008And Now We Stereotype Blacks As LiberalsFollow me...

The NY Times laments that liberals cannot manage to get a full-throttled liberal nominee on the Court to do battle with Antonin Scalia (emphasis mine): The selection of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to be the nation’s 112th justice extends a quarter-century pattern in which Republican...

In a post early this morning, I noted that in written answers to questions in connection with her confirmation hearings for Solicitor General, Elena Kagan wrote:"There is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage."In response to my post, Allahpundit (here and here), Ann Althouse and...

Later this morning, Elena Kagan will be nominated for the Supreme Court seat currently held by John Paul Stevens. The meme has taken hold that Kagan is a stealth candidate who has avoided taking positions on important constitutional or other issues throughout her career. But on one...

The left-wing blogosphere hates Elena Kagan. Really. The venom percolating up from the depths of the nutroots is getting pretty toxic.For the most part, the right-wing blogosphere is sitting back and enjoying how people like Glenn Greenwald are tripping all over themselves to attack Kagan...

Elena Kagan "reportedly" is going to be Obama's pick. Which means that Elena Kagan probably will not be Obama's pick, or at least don't bet on it.Quite the topic in the law-related blogosphere is Kagan's sparce paper record, at least in comparison to other nominees...

... if you want to be able to continue using terms like Nazi, Communist and Apartheid to describe the new Arizona immigration law. Or if, like President Obama, you want to claim that the law would allow people to be questioned merely for going out...

Dana Lithwick asks What Are Liberal Law Students So Sad About? Her conclusion is that liberal law students are sad because their liberal legal heroes can't seem to get on the Supreme Court:Since it's April, and America's law students have nothing else to do (kidding!),...

A rumor -- apparently denied -- that possible (likely?) Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is gay set the White House on a "scorched earth" attack on CBS News, where the rumor was reported in a blog. The reaction in the left-wing blogosphere has been equally...