Think Progress | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 4
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The latest release by the Rapid Response team at the Democratic National Committee will persuade everyone who, since January 2009, has been living on Mars, in a diving bell at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, on a respirator while in a deep coma, or...

Amanda Terkel, one of the lead writers at Think Progress, is exasperated that the "right-wing" has convinced the "media" that Obama's religion is open to question (emphasis mine):While journalists and pundits on cable news today did acknowledge the “media” have had a role to play,...

I guess the Coffee Party astroturf didn't achieve its goal.So one of the people who helped build the Center for American Progress, creator of Think Progress, has created a new movement, hitting upon a slogan which really expresses their profound stupidity and childishness, as reported...

Palin Derangement Syndrome sufferers prove, once again, that they are flat out crazy.These deranged people now are creating a fauxtroversy over whether Sarah Palin -- when contronted with a protester who identified herself as a teacher -- rolled her eyes.Really.Think Progress runs this headline, Palin...

Ever since Hillary Clinton supporters started circulating claims that Obama was not born in the United States, Obama's supporters and strategists have taken a very aggressive posture.Almost any attempt to discuss the subject is met with a furious response from Media Matters, Think Progress, their...

The left-wing blogs and media are hoping beyond hope that Shirley Sherrod sues Andrew Breitbart.One common theme, echoed by Sam Stein at HuffPo, and various people he quotes, is that the original clip released by Breitbart was "false."To portray the clip as "false" is wrong....

There are "elements" within the Democratic Party.Frightening elements.Don't talk to me about context. Or try to explain that the words do not mean what they appear to mean.These were hateful words which must be taken in isolation and then attributed to all Democrats, because that...

On February 18, 2010, I wrote a post titled Progressive Bloggers In The Wizard of Oz, about a trip by several "progressive" bloggers to meet at The White House with Jared Bernstein, Chief Economist to Vice President Joe Biden.The post carried a photo of serious-looking...

Now that the left-wing blogosphere and Democratic media operatives Media Matters and Think Progress have found the Religion of Context when it comes to Shirley Sherrod ...

Matthew Yglesias, who blogs at Think Progress, July 21, The Shame of the Daily Caller:The Caller appears to have access to a very large proportion of JournoList emails and they can’t come up with anything that withstands cursory scrutiny.The Daily Caller, July 22:Blogger Matt Yglesias...

Such is now demanded by the NAACP in the Shirley Sherrod matter.You remember her. She's the Department of Agriculture person who, at an NAACP meeting in March, told a story about how 20 plus years ago she had discriminated against a white farmer because he...

My, my, how the Democratic Party -- or at least certain "elements" -- could be portrayed as racist if Think Progress cut and pasted some of this material the way it does to the Tea Party movement:[][][]Think Progress has such great researchers, I'm sure they'll...

Think Progress is possibly the worst of the worst when it comes to twisting words and sentences out of context to accuse anyone who opposes the Obama agenda of being violent and racist.It is what Think Progress, with its large budget, does best.Think Progress had...

It's beginning to feel like the hot August of 2009, again.You can feel it. A growing discontent with the top-down, big government, free-spending, patronizing, arrogant ways of Washington, D.C.If that were all there were, it would merely be another year.What kicked off the hotly debated...

The latest meme being pushed is that Sarah Palin somehow, someway, compared Obama to Hitler. Think Progress started it off with:Palin encourages followers to read column warning that the BP escrow fund could lead to a Nazi-like dictatorshipGreg Sargent at The Washington Post promptly took...

Conservatives are a dying breed and the Republican Party needs to move to the center, according to a paper published by the liberal Center for American Progress, sugar daddy of Think Progress and other liberal media message outlets. CAP published this report because it really,...