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Texas Tag

***UPDATE: The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily reinstated the abortion ban in Texas: The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary stay on a ruling from a lower court that had blocked Texas from enforcing the ban. State officials argue the ban is intended to conserve medical supplies for health workers on the front lines of the coronavirus response. But abortion rights advocates say states are using the pandemic as an excuse to block access.

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg held a rally in San Antonio, TX, with Judge Judy. However, despite spamming every commercial break over the weekend, only 45 people attended the rally.

Former HUD Secretary Julián Castro endorsed Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on Monday a few days after he dropped out of the race. However, former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign told The Texas Tribune that he picked up 11 new endorsements from Texas. Nine of those people once supported Castro. Biden's campaign also said that he now has more support from those who backed Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).