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Terrorism Tag

Almost forgot that Bill Ayers glorified the killer of Robert Kennedy, but thanks to a commenter at Tim Blair's blog, it's time to remember:“Is now the time to remind everyone,” emails KP, “that Obama’s babysitters Ayers and Dohrn dedicated their communist manifesto to Robert Kennedy’s...

Widespread abuse has been alleged, including one incident when they threatened a detainee "with a chainsaw as his autistic daughter looked on," another where they used cattle prods on detainees' genitals, another where they put a gun against a detainee's head, another where they slammed...

I can't keep up with all the ways in which this administration is failing. From the health care restructuring proposals gone sour, to the slippage in Iraq and Afghanistan, to the appeasement of Hugo Chavez and Iran and the bullying of Honduras, to the end...

Tom Ridge's bombshell -- the allegation that he felt political pressure to raise the threat level in the run-up to the 2004 election -- is not the real bombshell. The real story here is that Tom Ridge has joined Meghan McCain in the freakish side-show...

An article in the NY Times, Climate Change Seen as Threat to U.S. Security, deserves a special place in the annals of journalism in the service of liberal politics. The thrust of the article is that global climate change "could" cause massive geopolitical disruption in...

The Obama administration and Democrats in Congress are on the verge of a multi-fronted investigation of the Bush administration's handling of the war on al-Qaeda, including a secret CIA plan to capture or kill senior al-Qaeda leaders which never became operational, before being terminated by...

Leon Panetta, Director of the CIA, reportedly gave closed-door testimony to Congress indicating that the CIA withheld certain information from Congress, but there is no indication what that information concerned. This stands in stark contrast to Panetta's prior public statement that Congress was "truthfully" informed...

In Neda in Palestine, Sentenced to Die Alone, Max Blumenthal at Huffington Post compares Israel's self-defense against suicide bombers from the West Bank to the Iranian crackdown on protests against election fraud which resulted in the death of Neda Soltan. Once again, false analogies and...

Bombing the funerals of your opponents is a red line in most conflicts. The Israelis don't bomb Hamas or Hizbullah funerals, and vice versa. George Bush refused to bomb Taliban funerals. Al-Qaeda, however, has no such compunctions, as it repeatedly has sent suicide bombers to...

Paul Krugman proved, once again, why he has no credibility. In a column in today's New York Times, titled "The Big Hate," Krugman blames conservatives for the shooting at the Holocaust Museum because conservatives have had the audacity to harshly criticize the Obama administration.Krugman picks...

One thing, to a certainty, is that the Holocaust Museum shooting by a long-time neo-Nazi white supremacist, who previously committed an attempted shooting at the Federal Reserve in 1981, will be used for political purposes.Although the shooting is only hours old, numerous blogs already are...

Election result are in from Lebanon, and the pro-Western "March 14" parties are the big winner:The March 14 alliance clinched around 70 out of 128 seats, maintaining its majority in parliament after defeating the Hizbullah-led alliance in Sunday's crucial elections. Celebrations broke out in several...

From The Guardian, showing that investment fraud is universal:Jawad Tawfiq, a 52-year-old Gazan actor and director, was dubious at first, but his nephew insisted. If they could scrape together enough money, the nephew said, large profits could be made from investing in the tunnels that...

A portion in Barack Obama's "historic" speech to the Muslim world was particularly odd. In apologizing for religious intolerance in the United States, Obama said as follows:Freedom of religion is central to the ability of peoples to live together. We must always examine the ways...

See HotAir and Michelle Malkin for more examples of "kill Bush" memorabilia. -------------------------------------------- Related Posts: Remember Ilan Halimi Phony Outrage Over "Armed And Dangerous" Further Proof Liberal Bloggers Need To Study History Follow me on Twitter and Facebook ...

On May 20, 2009, John Bolton wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal titled "Get Ready for Another North Korean Nuke Test" in which he noted that the complacency of the Obama administration about North Korea's nuclear ambitions (and Iran's) was misplaced:"The curtain is...

Gateway Pundit has a good update on the murder of Ilan Halimi:Ilan was lured to his death by a woman he had met in his telephone store. They met up late on the night of January 20, 2006, in one of Paris's southern suburbs, Bagneux....

Put aside the merits of the two speeches by Barack Obama and Dick Cheney. What is interesting is the timing. I think Toby Harnden has an interesting observation:But the very fact that Obama chose to schedule his speech (Cheney's was announced first) at exactly the...