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Social Justice Tag

In the old days, meaning about a decade ago, if lots of students were getting Ds and Fs instead of As and Bs, the school might examine the teacher or teachers of those students. The school might try to focus on a better way to teach the failing students. Now they have discovered a much faster and easier method. Just drop the grading system altogether. Problem solved!

The Biden administration recently announced the creation of a "National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality." Most Americans would probably prefer that they try to tackle problems like the border crisis or the supply chain crisis, but they have their own priorities. For some reason, this new strategy also includes the elimination of cash bail.

A math and business teacher at Hanover High School received a termination letter over social media posts she made that expressed her opposition to Critical Race Theory (CRT), as well as the LGBTQ agenda in public schools. The teacher, Kari MacRae, says she has sought out a lawyer and will consider her options. Elected to the Bourne School Board in May 2021, MacRae made TikTok videos for her campaign in which she said she would make sure CRT wouldn't be taught in Bourne schools, and expressed her opposition to schools teaching that students "can choose whether or not they can be a girl or a boy." She has refused calls to resign from the school board position.