Scott Brown | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 11
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Scott Brown Tag

Martha Coakley is the union candidate in the Massachusetts Senate special election against Scott Brown. During the primaries, SEIU spent $214,000 on advertising in support of Coakley, and is expected to throw more money into the race in the final two weeks. SEIU is organizing...

Dear Jane,You and I do not have many political agreements, but one thing we agree upon is that the Senate health care bill must be defeated. I have my reasons, and you have yours.One thing we agree upon is that the mandate is an abomination....

Chris Cillizza at The Fix blog at the The Washington Post writes the following in reaction to the Rasmussen poll of the Masschusetts Senate race:Coakley's fundraising abilities also ensures that she will be able to overwhelm Brown in the final weeks of the campaign as...

Tonight, Rasmussen will be polling the Massachusetts Senate special election.Unfortunately, some prominent right-wing commentators and almost the entire Republican establishment have decided to sit this one out unless and until there was a reputable public poll showing that Scott Brown was within striking distance of...

The audacity of Martha Coakley taking a vacation for six days just three weeks before the Massachusetts special Senate election has had me searching for an historical political equivalent.Mike Dukakis riding on the tank? Nah. That imagery showed Dukakis to be someone who cared so...

There is a push to get PPP, Rasmussen, or some other organization to do a poll of the special election in Massachusetts. At first glance, this seemed like a good idea. But on second glance, this comment at National Review makes sense:The last thing we...

As we near the January 19 special election in Massachusetts, we can expect an increasing flurry of endorsements. While it is no surprise that John McCain today endorsed Scott Brown, the reasoning set forth in McCain's video announcement is compelling:[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and...

Martha Coakley refuses to debate Scott Brown one-on-one. Coakley is the front-runner with better name recognition, so she has much to lose from debating Brown one-on-one. But Coakley has even more to lose from not having the courage to take on Brown.Put together with negative...

Martha Coakley just returned from six days on vacation in the middle of a special election. Ever since the December 8 primary, Coakley has attempted to portray an air of inevitability, by seeming not to care about Scott Brown's candidacy, refusing to debate him one-on-one,...

As a follow up to my post the other day, Martha Coakley's Secret Bank Account, here is a good description of how Coakley maneuvered around campaign finance laws, as reported in Boston Magazine:A candidate can't use state funds for a federal campaign, but that's exactly...

Martha Coakley's campaign is touting the fact that it has raised $5.2 million so far, almost four times as much as Scott Brown, including $1 million in the past six weeks (compared to $700k for Brown).Coakley, however, spent heavily in the primary, and started the...

As you get ready to go out tonight, to settle down at home for the evening, or whatever you are doing to ring in the New Year, remember that the next 30 days may decide the fate of this country's health care system and financial...

Following up on my post about how Martha Coakley just handed out $1.5 million in grants to community organizations conveniently just a month before the special election, here is another fact showing that Martha Coakley is just more of the same for the Senate.Coakley set...

There is Scott Brown the Senate candidate in Massachusetts, and there is Scott Brown, the musician in New Zealand. They each have Twitter accounts, but the Scott Brown from Down Under laid claim to @ScottBrown first, and the Senate candidate had to resort to @ScottBrownMA.As...

Martha Coakley, Democratic candidate for Senate in Massachusetts, will fit right into the Senate culture in Washington, D.C., as witnessed by her recent award of $1.5 million to community groups in Massachusetts: Attorney General Martha Coakley’s Office has awarded nearly $1.5 million in grants aimed...

As reported by Jules Crittenden, the national GOP has all but abandoned Scott Brown in his bid for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat in the January 19 special election.Brown's opponent, Martha Coakley, is a down-the-line liberal who is vulnerable because she will be a puppet for...

From The Boston Herald:Republican Senate hopeful Scott Brown has filed a state ethics complaint after a report that a union backing rival Martha Coakley used state resources to urge workers to volunteer for her campaign.After Brown’s complaint Wednesday, the operations director of Service Employees International...