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Rhode Island Tag

Someone please tell me why I fall for it every time. Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize Winner Extraordinaire™ (NPWE), writes a biased rant against anything that smacks of fiscal conservatism, and I get all worked up.The latest is Krugman's attack on how fiscal conservatives, who are...

I previously posted about John "Jack" McConnell, Jr., a major Democratic Party campaign donor who had been nominated by Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) to an open seat on the U.S. District Court in Rhode Island.McConnell was a controversial nominee not only because he donated several hundred...

John McCain and John Cornyn Tom Coburn have just released a devastating report on the 100 most wasteful stimulus projects, titled Summertime Blues.Being someone who has taken an unnatural interest in Stimulus-funded sidewalks, I searched the report, and sure enough found this: 10. Town...

Thanks to a reader from Rhode Island for sending photos of another multi-million dollar sidewalk project in our humble unit-of-measurement state.You will recall my now-classic post about the miles of sidewalks leading from Warren, Rhode Island, to the Massachusetts state line, Miles of Sidewalks, and...

Those are not my words. Those are the words of Democratic Rhode Island General Treasurer, and candidate for Governor, Frank Caprio. As reported by The Providence Journal:Within a year, the taxpayer cost of providing public employee pensions will increase again — and substantially —...

It really is frustrating to hear Obama administration officials tout 3 million jobs saved or created.How many of those jobs did several miles of sidewalks in Warren, Rhode Island, save or create?Now that the project is over, the jobs are gone. But you still count...

The beach not too far from my home in Rhode Island, about 1/2 hour ago:-------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...

There has been quite a buzz regarding the failure of the Obama administration to challenge a 2008 Rhode Island Executive Order which accomplished much of what Arizona seeks to accomplish through S.B. 1070.The signing statement of the Governor, as well as the Order itself, set...

Rhode Island is the new Arizona. No, actually, Arizona is the new Rhode Island.Despite the failure of the Rhode Island legislature to pass an Arizona-like immigration bill, Rhode Island already has implemented the critical piece of the Arizona law, checking the immigration status of people...

Warren, Rhode Island, has new sidewalks from the center of town down Rte 103 to the Massachusetts border, almost two miles away.  Thanks to the Stimulus Plan.I have driven that road hundreds of times, and also have cycled the route many times.I never noticed any particular...

Last summer's Cash for Clunkers program artificially boosted used car prices by requiring destruction of the clunkers, thereby restricting the supply of used cars.That was bad enough for people looking to buy used cars.But the market distortion caused by government intervention is hitting Rhode Islanders...

Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) is one of the most polarizing Senators. His favorite form of argument is reduced to the following: "You are bad, we are good."If you were from Rhode Island, as I am, you would understand that this has been Whitehouse's political character long...

Sheldon Whitehouse has taken to the floor of the Senate again to accuse everyone who opposes driving the country further into debt of being against people who are suffering financially.But that accusation, much like Whitehouse's accusations against opponents of ObamaCare, is based on a false...

Saw this yesterday while on a walk in the most pro-Obama voting state in the country:What most amazed me was that someone was willing to put such a bumper sticker on the car. In 2008 people were afraid to use McCain/Palin bumper stickers for fear...

I previously posted about the nomination of John J. "Jack" McConnell, Jr. to the federal district court in Rhode Island.The Senate Judiciary Committee is set to vote today. The Providence Journal sums up the controversy over McConnell, a mass-tort lawyer who donated hundreds of thousands...

Public sector unions just won a huge victory in Rhode Island, with the signing into law of legislation denying municipalities the ability to file for state receivership as a means of renegotiating unsustainable union contracts.I previously highlighted the state receivership filing by the City of...

John J. "Jack" McConnell, Jr. is the Obama administration's nominee for an open seat on the U.S. District Court in Rhode Island.As documented in my prior post, McConnell donated at least $430,000 to Democrats, including tens of thousands to the Democratic Senators who nominated him...

Last week I chronicled the saga of Central Falls, Rhode Island, which has filed for receivership, the state equivalent of bankruptcy, under the weight of union contracts and debt, Has First Public Sector Union Domino Fallen?Now it turns out that Central Falls has been using...