Reagan | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Reagan Tag

From reader and frequent photographer Scott, who sent this photo with the subject line "It seems I'm not alone": I regret that I've been remiss in getting images out to you, especially since Raleigh seems the perfect battleground state again in 2012. I'll try to do better...

Michael Reagan, in this interview with Mark Levin, shoots down the smears spread by the Romney campaign and its supporters regarding Newt and Ronald Reagan. Meanwhile, Jeffrey Lord has another great piece, Newt Battles Mush From the Wimps (h/t jiminsocal in the Tip Line): The war between conservatives and...

Thanks to reader Doug, who writes: Spotted today near Point Of Rocks, (Peoples Democratic Republic of) Maryland. I think we know where this person stands. I especially like the greeting to the ACLU. Personally, this is my favorite, a reminder of those who stood with him and those...

The Nancy Reagan video I posted the other day now has over 18,000 views on YouTube, was uploaded or linked at Real Clear Politics, Daily Caller, Breitbart TV and dozens of other websites, mentioned by Rush and Hannity, and at the debate. Drudge may try to control the...

I have been pounding the keyboard all week about the lies and distortions of the Romney campaign and supporters about Newt's record of support for Ronald Reagan. These allegations were played out by the Romney campaign and on Drudge, and did serious damage to Newt, both...

One of the videos linked by Drudge, of Newt supposedly bashing Reagan while talking about George H.W. Bush running in 1980, is misleadingly edited. Dan Riehl has the details and the more complete video: There's a short excerpt of a 1988 C-SPAN video purportedly showing Newt Gingrich...

There is something truly obscene about the full blown assault on Newt Gingrich's strong Reagan conservative history from and on behalf of Mitt Romney, who unabashedly ran away from the Reagan legacy and conservative principles in his 1994 Senate campaign and 2002 gubernatorial campaign. Truly...

Some of the best YouTube videos are the ones you find when you are looking for something else. And I think this is a pretty good one for three reasons.  First, how great is it to see this piece of history?  Second, it highlights the argument...

Hat tip to Sunshine State Sarah for this video of Ronald Reagan's December 23, 1981 Christmas address to the nation. There are so many amazing things about this video.  It's uplifting and depressing at the same time. When will it be over? Part 1 Part 2 ...

Reader Hope Change in the Tip Line suggests the following caption for this photo:  “That’s right, Mr. President, National Review is trying to elect Mitt Romney.” I think that's a good one, although it presumes Reagan would have known who Romney was.  Any other suggestions? And the...

Robert Novak, writing just after Obama defeated John McCain and Democrats solidified their hold on Congress, predicted that Republicans would turn to Newt Gingrich to lead them back to presidential power in 2012, Newt in 2012? (via @jmartpolitico): In serious conversations among Republicans since their election debacle Tuesday,...

William Kristol writes: For every American conservative, not once but whenever he wants it, it’s always the evening of November 4, 1980, the instant when we knew Ronald Reagan, the man who gave the speech in the lost cause of 1964, leader of the movement since 1966,...

After a week of A Rising Tide angry bumper stickers, it's nice to get back to basics. Sent by reader Carol, who writes: Seen in Danbury CT - looked brand new! Go back and listen to his farewell speech, not only for his words of hope about that...

What a guy.  He not only saved Nancy Reagan when she was falling, he also gave a speech  on the role of government which should be remembered as the kick off of the Marco Rubio for President campaign, we just don't know what year yet. Update: ...

Ann Althouse posted a video about Ronald Reagan's criticism of the Berkeley protests in the 1960s, which includes this comment by Michael Rossman (at 1:22 of the clip):"He won by pandering to a citizenry that is outraged by what these terrible insolent ungrateful children were doing on the...

Well, why would they, he was no Jack Kennedy or Ronald Reagan:Miss him yet?--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

... An amazing address (emphasis mine):In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time we’ve been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite...