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race card Tag

The New York Times reports on the inconsistency of how various government agencies count the races:The federal Department of Education would categorize Michelle López-Mullins — a university student who is of Peruvian, Chinese, Irish, Shawnee and Cherokee descent — as “Hispanic.” But the National Center...

Shocking news from the frontlines of the anti-discrimination battles.  Liberals -- particularly in academia and the social sciences -- have a tribal mentality which results in discrimination against conservatives.What is shocking is not that such tribal mentality exists, but that anyone is expressing surprise.As reported by...

David Cameron has generated a stir in Europe by giving a speech in which he said that state-sponsored multiculturalism has failed:Note that Cameron was not criticizing multi-racial or multi-ethnic societies; he was proclaiming the failure of policies which sought to segregate and separate groups in the...

Jennifer Rubin, formerly of Commentary and now blogging at The Washington Post, has discovered that Think Progress played the race card against the Koch brothers, who back libertarian and conservative causes, by claiming that the Koch brothers "are simply fulfilling their father's legacy" in opposing integration.Rubin...

There are many cheap tricks used against bloggers.Perhaps the most common is to attribute the views expressed in comments to the blogger.  The problem there is that the nature of a comment section is to give people other than the blogger the chance to express an opinion,...

Merry Christmas to my readers.  Enjoy the day while, once again, I defend the internet for you!Here are some thoughts for the day, in no particular order:Self-fulfilling prophecy.  Charles, we get it, the lame duck was not good, but your repeated columns about the "comeback kid"...

12-24-2010:  Welcome Matthew Yglesias readers.  I address Yglesias' defense of why he called Haley Barbour racist, and his attack on me, in an update below.  And I see that Ta-Nehisi Coates is defending Yglesias, so I'll address that too.-----------------------------------------------------1947 was the year in which the...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Tonight's post brings us back to a variety of topics I have touched upon before:  The Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition and its Useful Idiots in the U.S. who use terms such as "Israel-Firsters"; Leftist Jews who are...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Tonight's issue came to my attention due to the controversy stirred up in Australia over these two t-shirts: The t-shirts, particularly the one that says "we eat meat, we drink...