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race card Tag

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:This is a follow up to two prior posts on the attempt by the mainstream media and left-blogosphere to frame the issue of Obama's constitutional qualification to be President as rooted...

On February 15, 2011, I dissected the lawsuit filed by Shirley Sherrod against Andrew Breitbart and Lawrence O'Connor, for defamation and other claims arising out of the release of Sherrod's speech to the NAACP about her experiences with a white farmer.In my analysis, I noted...

.... in order to achieve a racial and ethnic mix of players which looks more like America.Sorry, I meant, the City of Dayton, Ohio, to lower police test score thresholds, a move which even the local NAACP chapter opposes:The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:And now we go deeper into the linguistic gymnastics which are required to avoid being called a racist.  Having covered Black Friday, Black Hole, Providence Plantations, Rejigger, Gobbledygook, and "No...

As I reported last September, was formed by the NAACP, Think Progress, Media Matters and NewLeft Media to "monitor racism and other forms of extremism within the Tea Party movement."In fact, never really served a monitoring function; it merely served as another outlet...

Jeff Jacoby writing in The Boston Globe, Irrelevant racial criteria (curiously, titled Retire The Racial Bean Counters at Jacoby's own blog)(h/t Solomonia):Though most Americans may still think of themselves as belonging to a single race, the multiracial population is surging. Racial boundaries are more permeable and...

I'm not going to repeat all the background; read my prior posts:The Original Sherrod Clip Was Not "False" Shirley Sherrod May Prefer The Life Left UnexaminedShirley Sherrod Catches Andrew Breitbart's Car Where we are today is that last Friday Sherrod filed and this weekend served...

You know that saying about the dog which chased the car but didn't know what to do once it caught it.  Shirley Sherrod just filed suit against Andrew Breitbart, but I think she'll find it was not worth the pursuit.The lawsuit concerns Breitbart's release last summer of a tape...

The New York Times reports on the inconsistency of how various government agencies count the races:The federal Department of Education would categorize Michelle López-Mullins — a university student who is of Peruvian, Chinese, Irish, Shawnee and Cherokee descent — as “Hispanic.” But the National Center...

Shocking news from the frontlines of the anti-discrimination battles.  Liberals -- particularly in academia and the social sciences -- have a tribal mentality which results in discrimination against conservatives.What is shocking is not that such tribal mentality exists, but that anyone is expressing surprise.As reported by...