Report: Soleimani’s Successor As Iran’s Quds Force Chief Possibly Hit in Israeli Beirut Airstrike
Esmail Qaani become Quds Force chief after Qassem Soleimani was eliminated in January 2020 drone strike ordered by President Donald Trump....
Esmail Qaani become Quds Force chief after Qassem Soleimani was eliminated in January 2020 drone strike ordered by President Donald Trump....
I ask again: How many other people are hunting Americans on our soil?...
The IRGC missed the nearby American Consulate in Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan....
People were commemorating the death of terrorist Revolutionary Guards general Qasem Soleimani, who died four years ago from a drone strike ordered by Trump....
Israeli TV channel: The slain IRGC-Quds henchman "oversaw and planned attacks against Israelis and Jews worldwide." ...
UK's Independent: The video "shows Iranian military officials manoeuvring high-tech surveillance and unmanned combat vehicles toward Mr Trump while he plays golf in ...
"US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, Central Command chief Kenneth McKenzie, Pentagon officials, and commanders in several US bases across the region are among individuals targeted by the sanctions."...
The statue was erected to 'honor' Soleimani, the top Iranian terror operative killed in a drone strike ordered by President Trump....
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