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Prager U Videos Tag

As we enter into the New Year, I wanted follow one of blogging's finest traditions: The Top 10 List. However, as I reflected upon the year in-depth with a good friend last night, there was one post that really deserves special  mention, as its features an...

Pushing back against the narratives: CAMERA launches new website for pro-Israel college students “Affirmative Action Baby” … Or Survivor? Prager U. Video – The Separation of Church and State FIRE works overtime for targeted Syracuse U. students College Fix Editor: Porn is a weapon in the real campus ‘war on women’ Thomas...

They can sit in the dark for Earth Hour, we'll spend the hour celebrating the modern world, starting 8:30 p.m. local time everywhere...

We have videos: “Great Vagina Man” shouts down pro-life speaker at U. Waterloo (Video) Student suspended for complaining about “Stomp on Jesus” Prof (Video) Video – A Brief History of Censorship on Campus (Video) Prager U.: The President Who Shrank Government (Video) Oregon law professor loses job after attack on students (Video) Don't you love it...