University of Oklahoma Meteorology Students Killed in Car Crash After Storm Chasing
"The university is devastated to learn of the tragic passing of three students. Each were valued and loved members of our community."...
"The university is devastated to learn of the tragic passing of three students. Each were valued and loved members of our community."...
"part of Oklahoma State University's Pride 2022 month"...
"When it comes to sports and athletics, girls should compete against girls. Boys should compete against boys. And let's be very clear: That's all this bill says."...
"students, faculty, and staff may choose to participate in a variety of events aimed at helping community members understand and respect the perspectives of others"...
"She allegedly called one girl an 'acne f*cker,' which prompted the girl to leave the room in tears. Broyles allegedly called another girl a 'Hispanic f*cker' and another a 'judgy f*cker.'"...
“In our discussions, we focus on the cultural exchanges and intellectual engagements between the local struggles for civil rights and the larger global movements for decolonization”...
"State-funded colleges and universities that fail to comply with the guidelines provided in the bill will be notified by the Attorney General."...
Davyon Johnson, 11, performed the Heimlich on a choking classmate....
Complaint: "This is an action brought by Oklahoma students and educators challenging the state legislature’s unprecedented and unconstitutional censorship of discussions about race and gender in schools ...
"full-time, tenure-track position"...
“It’s control over my choices, desires and body”...
“We are instead restoring Dr. Tudor to the position she would have been in had Southeastern not engaged in prohibited discrimination against her.”...
"I don’t understand it, either. Nor do many Oklahoma taxpayers I’ve talked to."...
Truth: "Dr. McElyea has not worked at our Sallisaw location in over 2 months. NHS Sequoyah has not treated any patients due to complications related to taking ivermectin. This includes not treating any patients for ivermectin overdose," a pop-up window on the Oklahoma hospital's homepage...
Someone at the Education Department should actually read the laws because guess what. You can wear a mask if you want to wear a mask....
“she had been excluded from the team […] over her politically conservative views.”...
"Learning Spanish from a white woman? I wish I could go back and tell my students not to learn power or correctness from this white woman"...
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