Nutroots | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 6
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What we always suspected to be true about the function of Media Matters for America and the bloggers who suckle at its informational teet, we now know to be true:Media Matters, the liberal activist group that wages a rhetorical war against Fox News Channel and others...

The mainstream media and blogosphere have erupted because in a radio debate Christine O'Donnell appeared to dispute whether "separation of church and state" was required by the First Amendment.  (O'Donnell's campaign walked back the position after the debate, saying O'Donnell merely meant that the words...

Democrat Jack Conway's advertisement asserting that there are "questions" about Republican Rand Paul's Christianity, raises in interesting issue.Substitute Barack Obama for Rand Paul, tweak a few of the allegations, and you would have an advertisement as to which the mainstream media and left-wing blogosphere would...

Jonathan Adler at Volokh Conspiracy (via Instapundit) has a very good take down of the nutroots best and brightest economics-professor blogger, Brad DeLong:Would you consider it sound for one academic to attack a paper written by another, calling it (among other things) “obviously erroneous” and...

J-Street is the supposed liberal alternative to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).  J-Street has been accused -- including by me -- of being nothing more than a front group meant to undermine U.S. support for Israel by playing the "balance" card pushed by groups...

I wasn't going to post on this, because I figured there had been enough publicity for him already.  But now that I see (via Instapundit and TaxProf) that the controversy has made its way into Forbes and many major websites, I'll weigh in on the case of...

Kos Media sued Research 2000 back in late June, after incendiary accusations by Markos Moulitsas that Research 2000 issued fraudulent polling data.Now the parties have agreed on the "basic terms of settlement" which will require a "series of actions to be taken by each party"...

A gunman has taken hostages at the Discovery Channel headquarters.  According to reliable reports, the guy is an environmental activist motivated by fears for the planet, and spouting rhetoric about how the planet doesn't need people.Guess what it is I will not do?(Hint - rub...

Some vehicles were torched at the building site for a Mosque in Tennessee.From Glenn Greenwald on down, the incident has been declared to be another act of anti-Muslim bigotry inspired by the Corboda mosque controversy, similar to the (now-debunked) Cabbie Stabbing.They may be right.  Or...

According to Dave Neiwert, Eliminationist theorist in chief, when he looked at the crowd at the Restoring Honor rally, he was sure the next Timothy McVeigh was out there:Well, Glenn Beck's eyes certainly weren't dry. He started weeping while telling the crowd that somewhere out...

The Eliminationist theorists in the left-wing blogosphere thought they finally had their man.  Having struck out with the Anti-Muslim Cabbie Stabber in the quest to prove that there is a rising tide of right-wing violence instigated by Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and wingnuts, the Eliminationist theorists were cheered...

Since it appears that Anti-Muslim Cabbie Stabber Michael Enright had no connection to anti-Cordoba mosque groups, you knew the disappointed ones would search long and hard for a Tea Party connection.They prayed they would find something.  Anything.  And they did.Wait for it ...

You can't make this stuff up.I posted earlier about a school which banned the singing of Happy Birthday out of fear of, well, it's a little hard to articulate the irrational.But that's not the real story, according to Peter Daou, who uses the following diagram...

Bill Sparkman.  Amy Bishop.  The Fort Hood Shooter.  The IRS Plane Crasher.  The Pentagon Shooter.People who had nothing to do with each other in the real world.  In the blogosphere, each of these people was linked by a macabre desire by the left-wing blogosphere to find a crime...

Those of you following the "Muslim Cabbie-Stabber" incident -- in which a very drunk guy affiliated with a pro-Corboba mosque organization stabbed a cabblie who was Muslim -- will know that the left-wing blogosphere is on another one of its wrong-way rampages of righteous indignation...

Lamest comment to Lamest Online Insult Ever:"That Reynolds, Althouse and William Jacobson are employed as faculty at US law schools tells you all you need to know about how debased the law is in this kkkountry."There was a time when they actually were funny over...

TBogg to Tucker Carlson:"Go get a real job."You mean, like yours?--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...