Nutroots | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 3
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Nutroots Tag

I have been warned almost since I started blogging that one of these days I would show up on University of Chicago Law School Professor Brian Leiter's radar and that his world-renowned pettiness and nastiness would be visited upon me. But at least I'm in good...

Oh my how the supporters of Occupy Wall Street cheered when Lech Walesa, hero of the fight against communism in Poland, announced that he would fly to New York to support the Occupy Wall Street movement. Brent Budowsky at The Hill was ecstatic: Great news for the real...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: I know, I know, you've heard it all before.  Broken dreams and shattered hopes that the use of the race card for political gain would not get any worse.  But I...

This is really strange. The first time I heard the term "Firebagger" (a play on you know what) was when Joan Walsh (of and Jane Hamsher (of Firedoglake, hence the "Firebagger" term) had the race card played on them because of their criticisms of Obama. ...

I'm used to left-wing bloggers distorting what I write, which is why I rarely respond.  But I was disappointed to read Charles Lemos of MyDD, one of the less crazy of the genre, write the following on Saturday morning: In fact even before all the facts were...

Maybe this will become the "Hey Ed Rollins, you deal with it" series, after Part 1 regarding the foul Rolling Stone attack on Michele Bachmann went over so well. This is how they do it, but you know all about that Ed, because you did it...

This is almost as good as Ann Althouse having the union protests right outside her window. Netroots Nation, attended by all of my very good blog-friends, will be held in Providence! All the nutroots in my home state and not far from my house in the most...

Joseph Cannon was one of the first and most vocal to claim that Andrew Breitbart either directly or through others had set up Anthony Weiner by hacking and/or spoofing the original tweet last Friday night which set off the firestorm.Cannon's theory of how Weiner was...

Jack Stuef was the writer at Wonkette who wrote the article mocking Trig Palin which set off a firestorm which took with it numerous Wonkette advertisers.While Stuef certainly was responsible for what he wrote, the real blame belonged to Ken Layne, the owner and chief editor...

Huff-Watch is collecting reactions from Huffington Post commenters about the tornadoes that killed over 250 people, mostly in the South, including the comment in the headline above.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Wonkette has removed its latest post mocking Trig Palin, and instead posted a snide comment about how it really meant to mock Sarah Palin and her followers (emphasis mine):"A post on this page satirizing Sarah Palin using her baby as a political prop was very badly...

On July 28, 2009, I posted about the obsession at Wonkette, a widely read liberal website, with attacking Trig Palin, Wonkette Goes After Trig Palin Again.  The author of the Wonkette article which was the focus of the 2009 post was Ken Layne, the co-owner of Wonkette after...

The KosKids must be experiencing cognitive dissonance, because the DailyKos last night took on an almost martial appearance:I wonder if this is change they can believe in.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...