National Education Association | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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National Education Association Tag

This morning at 10:30 a.m. is the hearing in Rhode Island Superior Court before Associate Justice Linda Rekas Sloan on the motion of the National Education Association Rhode Island and NEA-South Kingstown (RI) for a Temporary Restraining Order prohibiting the South Kingstown School District and School Committee from releasing records requested by local mom Nicole Solas and her husband Adam Hartman. NEA objects, among other things, to records being released that would reveal which teachers are teaching Critical Race Theory and interactions with the union regarding CRT.

Nicole Solas is the South Kingstown, Rhode Island, mother who gained national attention when she told her story at Legal Insurrection regarding her stymied efforts to obtain school records regarding teaching of Critical Race and Gender theory, I’m A Mom Seeking Records Of Critical Race and Gender Curriculum, Now The School Committee May Sue To Stop Me.