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Middle East Tag

...for thinking that the election of David Cameron in Britain might make a real difference in the direction of British policy.I was wrong. In a speech in Ankara, Turkey, Cameron did his best imitation of Barack Obama's apology tour:... let me turn to the prejudiced...

I am not someone who tries to keep track of how many of my predictions have come true. That sort of gamesmanship by hindsight is beneath me.And I don't try to settle scores with people who criticize me. That would be petty.So it...

Harry Reid has a failed record on Iraq for which he never has been held accountable. Reid voted for the war, then falsely claimed he was misled, then tried to defund the war, then declared the war lost, and then stubbornly refused to acknowledge the...

The decision by Israel to "ease" the blockade of Gaza has evoked pretty strong opinions as to whether it represents a wise strategic move by Israel (my view) or a caving in which strengthens Hamas.One thing is clear, however, the easing of the land blockade...

Israel has announced an "easing" of the land blockade on Gaza, a largely symbolic step since large quantities of humanitarian and other supplies already enter Gaza.While The NY Times and others portray this as a loss for Israel, which had to bow to world pressure,...

The Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition has found its most successful tactic -- the use of human shields in the form of Western Useful Idiots backed by Islamist Martyrs-in-Waiting to confront Israeli soldiers in the hope that Israel will be forced either to weaken its defenses or...

Thanks to Solomonia for posting this 1956 cartoon about Israel's aggression. (Added) The cartoon shows Egyptian Gamal Abdel Nasser repeatedly taunting Israel's David Ben-Gurion, and in the last segment Ben Gurion finally hits back. The cartoon appears to be an allusion to the 1956 Suez...

Helen Thomas' comments that Jews in Israel should go back to Poland and Germany perpetuated the falsehood that Israel is a European implant, which fits nicely into the narrative of the Islamist-Leftist anti-Israel coalition.In fact, as I documented before, there was an exchange of populations...

In 2006 Richard Cohen of The Washington Post wrote a column arguing "[t]he greatest mistake Israel could make at the moment is to forget that Israel itself is a mistake."The argument, that Israel should not have been created as a Jewish state because the Muslim...

Remember Joe Biden's comment that hostile forces would test Obama in his first six months?Well, whatever tests have come before, the big test is about to take place, as Russia, Iran and Turkey are uniting to break American influence in the greater Middle East and...

The "Freedom Flotilla" to Gaza, organized and financed by Turkey, purports to address the poor health conditions in Gaza.One critical measure of public health is infant mortality (children who die before reaching 1 year of age), because it reflects a wide range of underlying heath...

Is it any wonder why our foreign policy is failing at a miserable pace?Hillary Clinton just announced that Iran may attempt to pull a "stunt" to derail U.N. sanctions efforts: Clinton said she fully expected Iran to "pull some stunt" in the coming days to...

This past week has seen the coming together of the growing Islamist-Leftist Coalition in the war against Israel.Leftists who, among other things, claim to believe in freedom of speech, women's rights and equality for gays, are in political bed with people who would cut their...

Greta Berlin, one of the leaders of the Gaza flotilla, is one of the crazy anti-Israeli loons who inhabit many of the "peace" groups organized around the country for the sole purpose of attacking everything Israel does.A good round-up of Berlin's history is at Solomonia.Here...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Scratch someone who claims U.S. policy is not sufficiently balanced in the Middle East, find what we always knew to be true: There are many calls for Helen Thomas to...

Max Blumenthal thought he had landed the big fish, catching the Israel Defense Forces "doctoring" an audio tape in which statements like "shut up go back to Auschwitz" were shouted by participants in the Gaza flotilla: The IDF’s propaganda is increasingly unbelievable, yet the media is...

I have not agreed with Charles Johnson on some things, but on the Gaza flotilla he has been spot on in recognizing the fundamental fraud of the flotilla participants and supporters:Hamas Refuses Flotilla Aid: "Do we need any more evidence that the entire incident was...

Many bloggers and news outlets are using a graphic printed in The Economist to show that Israel prevents basic foodstuffs from entering Gaza, including Coriander and Chocolate.Since the chart is in The Economist, most people accept it at face value, and mock any suggestion that...