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Michigan Tag

Man, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer abides by the whole "rules for thee, but not for me" saying, doesn't she? First, Whitmer breaks her strict COVID protocols with a trip to Florida. Now, she gets caught at an outing with friends at a bar with over a dozen people.

I don't know, President Joe Biden. Maybe we should go with the "neanderthal thinking" when it comes to COVID restrictions. The left lost their minds when Texas Gov. Greg Abbott eliminated the state mask mandate. They still hate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Yet, those states have been recording fewer cases than Democrat-led Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New York.

Do we need more proof these people want power and control? CDC Director Rochelle Walensky just gave us another piece of evidence! COVID cases have grown in Michigan, leading Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to beg the government for more vaccines. Walensky said the state could not vaccinate its way out of this. She suggested Whitmer "shut things down."