In March of this year, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto
compared Donald Trump to Hitler and Mussolini. At the time, Peña Nieto said that
Trump's rhetoric was "the way that Mussolini arrived and the way Hitler arrived."
At a press conference today with President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, Peña Nieto, asked if he stood by those remarks, the Mexican president doubled down. He wordily replied that over decades, the world has made tremendous economic progress, but that "some" want to destroy what has been built. That is what Hitler and Mussolini did, said Peña Nieto. In concluding, Peña Nieto said "that was my message" in March. Far from repudiating his attack on Trump, Peña Nieto repeated the Hitler/Mussolini comparison. Note also that although it is not in the transcript available to this Legal Insurrectionist, the MSNBC screen graphic has Peña Nieto saying, that some "demagogues" want to destroy what has been built over decades. Sounds like a clear allusion to Trump.