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Media Bias Tag

Paul Krugman reserved July 4 for what must be a deliberate deception, Punishing the Jobless, on the issue of extending unemployment benefits, which recently failed to pass the Senate.Krugman blames Republicans, whom he terms "heartless":By the heartless, I mean Republicans who have made the cynical...

Duh:Conservatives Are More Than Twice as Likely as Liberals to Be Strongly Patriotic, Says Gallup Poll: "Conservatives are more than twice as likely as liberals to express very strong patriotism, according to a new USA Today/Gallup poll in which 48 percent of conservatives said they...

Ronald Reagan's final speech as President, sometimes known as the "Shining City Upon A Hill" speech. But the speech was so much more. Incredible foresight on the eradication of the American memory (at 2:50), coming true before our very eyes. -------------------------------------------- Related Posts: Now "Presidential Scholars" Befool Themselves Reagan on...

After the Rolling Stone article which brought down Gen. Stanley McChrystal, various forms of media were patting themselves on the back at the genius of the Rolling Stone reporter.But it was a mistake.The Rolling Stone article was not reporting, it was the worst of the...

Harry Reid is refusing to debate Sharron Angle until sometime in the fall, claiming her cannot find the time for several months.How interesting that Reid is ducking debates, since he should relish the opportunity to challenge "S. Extreme Angle."Reid's sudden inability to fit a debate...

The latest meme being pushed is that Sarah Palin somehow, someway, compared Obama to Hitler. Think Progress started it off with:Palin encourages followers to read column warning that the BP escrow fund could lead to a Nazi-like dictatorshipGreg Sargent at The Washington Post promptly took...

Conservatives are a dying breed and the Republican Party needs to move to the center, according to a paper published by the liberal Center for American Progress, sugar daddy of Think Progress and other liberal media message outlets. CAP published this report because it really,...

Rolling Stone magazine managed to bring down the commander of our forces in Afghanistan, disrupt the war effort, and embolden our enemies by disrupting the allied chain of command.For what? The article did not expose any facts whatsoever. There were no war crimes revealed, no...

Every few days we are seeing some accusation made by Harry Reid's campaign operatives which makes its way into the blogosphere and mainstream media. Today the meme is that Sharron Angle is refusing to state her position on Obama's citizenship.Once again, the lead is being...

The Rolling Stone article, The Runaway General, is generating extreme buzz and indignation based on descriptions in the mainstream media that in the article Gen. Stanley McChrystal harshly criticized Obama and others in the administration.Indeed, I relied on these reports for my post, Shinseki Hero,...

General Eric K. Shinseki was a hero to Democrats and the mainstream media because he publicly criticized the Bush administration on Iraq:In a contentious exchange over the costs of war with Iraq, the Pentagon's second-ranking official today disparaged a top Army general's assessment of the...

The pathetic, lie-infested legislation known as ObamaCare was based on phony numbers and unrealistic assumptions so that Democrats could sell the package to themselves and their delusional Democratic constituents.Those of us who followed the legislation called the Democrats out on it, but since Democrats had...

Shouted an unnamed reporter chasing Sharron Angle through the halls of Congress.Maybe it is because you are incredibly biased people who call yourselves reporters, but simply are looking for a sentence or clause in a sentence which you can twist for fit your preconceived agenda...

Helen Thomas' comments that Jews in Israel should go back to Poland and Germany perpetuated the falsehood that Israel is a European implant, which fits nicely into the narrative of the Islamist-Leftist anti-Israel coalition.In fact, as I documented before, there was an exchange of populations...

The biggest problem with the Helen Thomas story is that she kept it under wraps for so long.Anyone who watched a presidential press conference knew she was hostile to Israel, but the depth of that hostility was not known.We have created a media culture where...

The "Freedom Flotilla" to Gaza, organized and financed by Turkey, purports to address the poor health conditions in Gaza.One critical measure of public health is infant mortality (children who die before reaching 1 year of age), because it reflects a wide range of underlying heath...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Scratch someone who claims U.S. policy is not sufficiently balanced in the Middle East, find what we always knew to be true: There are many calls for Helen Thomas to...

Max Blumenthal thought he had landed the big fish, catching the Israel Defense Forces "doctoring" an audio tape in which statements like "shut up go back to Auschwitz" were shouted by participants in the Gaza flotilla: The IDF’s propaganda is increasingly unbelievable, yet the media is...