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Media Bias Tag

If Alan Grayson and Al Franken could do it, why not Keith?  Now that he is suspended indefinitely without pay by MSNBC for failing to disclose his campaign contributions to Democrats, Olbermann can become part of the team, instead of just watching from the bleachers.What other...

Or maybe, The Definitive "They Didn't See It Coming" Tweet; or The Definitive "They Don't Get It" Tweet; or The Definitive "Not Seeing The Forest For The Trees" Tweet.  Any other suggestions?You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows:Update: WaPo becomes...

Something I want to focus on after the election.Just thought I'd let you know in advance, so you have something to look forward to.--------------------------------------------Posts Which Are Not Related In Any Way To The Title Of This Post:Greg Sargent Demands, But Doesn't Give, Context for Alaska...

David Brock, the founder of Media Matters, has a really important demand which requires everyone's immediate attention:Media Matters' Brock challenges Palin to release tapes"Sarah Palin has made serious accusations of journalistic malfeasance. Either Palin accurately described the tapes, or she did not. America's news consumers...

Greg Sargent, who for months has used his megaphone at The Washington Post to twist and turn almost every statement by Sharron Angle into a supposed call for violence or some other thing it was not, now demands Context! for the audio recording in which a CBS...

The provocation against Rand Paul, has inspired an anti-Joe Miller CBS news station in Alaska.The CBS station inadverently left a voice message disclosing its pre-planned coverage of a Miller appearance in the hopes of obtaining footage either of "child molesters" in the crowd or...

As my readers know, we have been on a New York Time's cone of silence watch as relates to allegations by an upstate reporter (corroborated at least in part by others) that Congressman Maurice Hinchey assaulted the reporter after the reporter asked tough questions regarding...

What kind of person posts a tweet like this?The same kind of person responsible for running (and still defending) the Christine O'Donnell "one night stand" story.  There is a sickness in our media, and Gawker is one of its primary homes.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Feministe: O'Donnell Getting What She Deserves...

Nevada reporter Jon Ralston, who accused me of being a "disgrace to [his] alma mater" because I pointed out his pro-Harry Reid tilt, finally has made the big time by starring [at 0:14] in Harry Reid's most outlandish commercial yet (as to which even Greg Sargent expresses...

I'm not buying all the phony expressions of outrage from left-bloggers and pundits over the Gawker article about Christine O'Donnell.From the moment she won the primary, O'Donnell was sexualized by the left with the excuse being O'Donnell's 1996 video regarding masturbation.  That 14-year old tape has...

I will not repeat all the facts in my prior posts, you are familiar by now with the scenario.  Let's just say my instincts were right on this one. As I suspected, provocateur Lauren Valle was not so innocent. In an amazing videotape obtained by Redstate, Valle is shown...

The Providence Journal, the only statewide daily newspaper in Rhode Island which dominates news coverage, has endorsed Democrat David Cicilline for Congress in the RI-01 District, running against John Loughlin.  As my readers know, this is my home district and I support Loughlin.Unfortunately, the PolitiFact feature...

There are many take-aways from the Wikileaks documents dump.  The left is focused on the failure of the U.S. to stop Iraqi-on-Iraqi brutality and torture.  But there is a theme in the documents which has enormous implications not so much for the past, but for...

Media Matters, which just received a large cash infusion from George Soros, has been trying to get Juan Williams for years, and now it accomplished its goal of getting Williams off NPR.But Media Matters' thirst for absolute uniformity of opinion at NPR is not quenched.  It wants...

Worst, Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist, as reported on September 30, 2010:NPR Will Be the Dominant News Force By 2020 Not Worst, William Jacobson, founder of Legal Insurrection Blog, as reported on October 1, 2010:I'm Willing To Bet This Will Not Come True--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Juan Williams...

And the award for the dumbest and most revealing comment from a prominent left-wing blog regarding the firing of Juan Williams goes to "DougJ" at Balloon-Juice: "Juan Williams’ firing did not happen in a vacuum.  It happened in the context of him having been the official Fox...