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Media Bias Tag

As I have documented here many times, one does not need to question Barack Obama's birthplace or citizenship to be called a "birther.""Birther" simply is the new "racist," an epithet thrown around at anyone who questions -- or in the case of Mike Huckabee failed to accurately state -- Obama's...

Paul Krugman (emphasis mine):I don’t watch cable news, or actually any kind of TV news. But I gather that there’s a virtual blackout on the huge demonstrations in Wisconsin, except on Fox, which portrays them as thuggish and violent.What that makes me think of is...

In the aftermath of the overthrow of the Mubarak regime in Egypt, Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post penned a meme which has become common among the mainstream media and left-blogosphere, that The GOP loves freedom, but not for Egypt:The conservative mantra has been: Obama...

A pro-union blogger impersonated David Koch in order to get through to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.  The blogger, pretending to be Koch, made numerous inflammatory and outrageous comments hoping to get a reaction from Walker.  The blogger recorded the phone call, and then released the phone...

from his plan to scale back (not eliminate) collective bargaining for state workers.  And contrary to the general mainstream media spin that Walker was rewarding a politically supportive group, perhaps Walker realized that when contronting the public sector unions, he would need all the protection he...

When it came to overthrowing Hosni Mubarek, the western media thrust itself into the situation and portrayed the uprising as a western-style demand for freedom.The television screens were filled with stories of relatively western figures such as Google employee Wael Ghonim, who became the face...

To its credit, The New York Times ran the video produced by the Wisconsin Republican Party of signs carried by union protesters against the Governor of Wisconsin (featured in my post here), under the headline Republicans Accuse Liberals of Hateful Rhetoric in Wisconsin:The Republican Party of Wisconsin has...

The New York Times has a story on the return of Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi to Egypt (emphasis mine): Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, an influential Sunni cleric who is banned from the United States and Britain for supporting violence against Israel and American forces in Iraq, delivered his...

Now this represents real change.  After two years of using the pages of The NY Times to lash out at peaceful health care protesters and Tea Parties, the Board of Editors of The New York Times has decided that actual violence by unions in Wisconsin...

There isn't much I can add to the numerous comments regarding the "brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating" of CBS News correspondent Lara Logan by a large group of men in Tahrir square in the moments after it was announced Hosni Mubarek had resigned.Some of...

They just can't let go of the issues of where Obama was born or his religion.Not Obama's opponents, but his political and media supporters, who insist on a political purity test from Republicans, and who use the "refused to repudiate" line of attack on all who...

PolitiFact, started at the St. Petersburg Times and then franchised out to other newspapers including The Providence Journal, has been the subject of critique here before, Media Bias In Action: Providence Journal Politicizes PolitiFact:In these latest examples the circumstances are virtually identical -- both candidates voted...

The AP (via CBS News) has a headline sure to warm the hearts of the Obama communications team:  High Taxes? Actually, They're at a 60-Year Low:Actually, as a share of the nation's economy, Uncle Sam's take this year will be the lowest since 1950, when...

I doubt you could find any issue on which 92% of people in this country agree.  And certainly not when the issue is political.Yet CBS News ran an "online poll," which is getting plenty of attention, showing that 92% of people "approve of the proposals...

I heard Supreme Court Justice Antonin "Nino" Scalia talk many years ago at a function in Rhode Island held by the Justinian Law Society.  If I recall correctly, the topic was the "living Constitution."Scalia was both brilliant and entertaining.  He is a wonderful speaker, and...

As you know, I've expressed my doubts about Politico.  But the reality is that Politico is one of the major internet news sources and will be for the foreseeable future.While my prior criticisms applied to Politico's news operations, I also was frustrated that whenever I...

If you have noticed, I am very intolerant of cheap shots and snide comments directed at Sarah Palin, particularly when those cheap shots and snide comments come from conservative bloggers and Republican politicians.Perhaps I react this way because when Palin Derangement Syndrome first struck this...