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Media Appearance Tag

My appearance on the Tony Katz Show: "I've seen this and I've heard this, a lot of people are shocked that the antisemitism is coming from the left because they've been spoonfed by the media and by their universities and by the newspapers that antisemitism...

"There is a core group on campus at Cornell and elsewhere, which has bought into this sort of revolutionary ideology as regards to Israel, and they direct it to Israel and they direct it to the United States. So it is definitely present. We have...

My appearance on Education First NC podcast hosted by Sloan Rachmuth, regarding holding social media companies liable for designing manipulative platforms that are deceptively addictive, using mass tort products liability legal approaches: "TikTok seems like the crack cocaine of the internet."...

The means by which an election is overturned may be criminal, but the end goal in and of itself is not criminal. So much of what is alleged in the D.C. and Georgia cases is non-criminal politics....