Linda Sarsour | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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Another one bites the dust. I blogged last week that the National Organization for Women (NOW) decided not to donate to the Women's March anymore due to the anti-Semitic and racism attitudes of those who lead the organization. NOW's Baton Rouge chapter announced on Saturday that it will cancel the planned Women's March in New Orleans in January.

Ever since Tablet magazine published its investigation into the racism and anti-Semitism views of the Women's March leaders the organization has bled support and people. First the Washington state chapter closed. The New York Times finally acknowledged that leaders Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory harbor hatred toward Jews. Then the Chicago chapter announced it will not have a march in January. Another blow came today as The National Organization for Women (NOW) announced it will no longer be a donor to the Women's March until it resolves the questions surrounding its leadership.

Very few publications have consistently brought to light the anti-Semitism and racism showcased by the leaders of the Women's March. Legal Insurrection is one of them. But when Tablet magazine published an investigation into the behaviors by the leaders, especially Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, other publications finally spoke up about it. The New York Times did this on Sunday, but instead of stating that the leaders have anti-Semitic views, the left-wing Bible framed it as accusations.

Washington state's Women's March chapter has decided to close due to leaders at the national level expressing anti-Semitic views and associating with anti-Semites like Louis Farrakhan. From The Spokesman-Review:
Angie Beem, a Spokane Valley resident who served as board president of Women’s March Washington, announced the dissolution of the state group on Facebook on Thursday, citing the national organization’s ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Beem, who helped organize the march in Spokane in 2017 and made an unsuccessful bid for Spokane Valley City Council that fall, said in an interview Friday the decision to disband wasn’t easy.

An investigation by Tablet magazine on the Women's March has exposed the anti-Semitic beliefs and ties to Nation of Islam that many of us on the right have known about. But now that it's out in the open (again), will anyone pay attention and dump these leaders so many of them prop up? The racist beliefs came out from the very beginning, but many members decided to hide them:

The Friedrich Ebert Foundation, a leading left-wing German think tank, has called off its plans to honor the Woman's March USA over allegations of antisemitism. Two leaders of the group, Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, have not shied away from displaying their affection for notorious anti-Semite and racist Louis Farrakhan. The foundation, affiliated to Germany's ruling Social Democratic party, rescinded the award after weeks of protests from academics and researchers associated with the state-funded organisation, German newspapers report. "After careful consideration, the executive board has decided to cancel the award ceremony and the let the issue be examined by an independent entity," the foundation declared on its website.

Only days after a Trump hater massacred dozens of Jews, leftist company Ben & Jerry's has decided to announce they teamed up with the Women's March to promote a resistance themed ice cream flavor. You know, the group led by notorious anti-Semitic Linda Sarsour and others who continue to praise and adore anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan. Ben & Jerry's told the Independent Journal Review they're "comfortable" partnering with the Women's March despite their ties to Louis Farrakhan.

The Women's March has been rocked by its association with anti-Israel and anti-Semitic figures almost from inception. In February 2017, we wrote how Convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh co-organized March 8 #DayWithoutAWoman, and we followed up in January 2018, Anti-Israel activists attempt to hijack Women’s March – again:

Pennsylvania's newly formed 1st Congressional District is a classic "swing" district, and is rated a toss-up by Cook Political Report. Scott Wallace just won the Democrat nomination, and will run against Republican Brian Fitzpatrick, currently the Rep in the soon-to-be phased out 8th District. Here's the new judicially-ordered congressional map for Pennsylvania:

Under fire for their close association with raging anti-Semite and Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan, the Women's March is in full on damage control. Tuesday, the group issued a statement, asserting that it opposed antisemitism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and white supremacy.

Linda Sarsour, self-professed women's rights, and anti-Israel activist, is in the midst of yet another scandal. For our extensive coverage on Sarsour, see here. According to an exclusive report in The Daily Caller, Sarsour was allegedly made aware of "groping and unwanted touching" perpetrated by male employees while serving as the executive director of the Arab American Association in 2009. Rather than act, Sarsour allegedly verbally attacked and threatened the victims.