John Cornyn | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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The only thing worse than pulling a poorly planned and horribly executed political stunt is doubling down on your failure when everyone knows you've failed. Sen. Cory Booker should know. Thursday, Sen. Booker claimed he was intentionally breaking Senate Committee rules by improperly releasing confidential documents, leading to thorough, justified, and humiliating smackdown by Sen. John Cornyn. Later, it was revealed the documents Booker released had already been cleared, that Booker knew they'd been cleared but pretended he had gone rogue nonetheless.

God bless Senator Cornyn. He's a perpetually undervalued member of the upper chamber. Thursday, during Day 3 of the dog and pony show we're calling a Supreme Court Justice confirmation hearing, Sen. Cory Booker (junior Democrat Senator from New Jersey) used his time to say he would knowingly and purposely release confidential documents obtained by the Senate Judiciary Committee, documents that supposedly proved Kavanaugh a horrid and unfit person for the highest bench in the land.