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Immigration Tag

Here is a copy of the Complaint just filed by the United States against Arizona seeking to invalidate S.B 1070, the Arizona immigration bill. Copies also of the Civil Cover Sheet, Summons to the the State of Arizona, and Summons to Gov. Jan Brewer.The U.S....

Predictions sometimes do come true. Just not this time.Someone must be very disappointed. You know who you are. I bet you think this post is about you, don't you, don't you? Hispanic Voters' Preferences Unchanged Post-Arizona LawHispanic voters nationwide haven't shifted their congressional voting preferences...

The Gail Collins, in an otherwise humorous column Alabama Goes Viral, plays a sleight of hand when quoting the now famous television advertisement by Dale Peterson, running for Alabama Agricultural Commissioner.Here is Collins' description (emphasis mine):This is the start of Peterson’s campaign ad. He rides...

Literally. Mexico told Obama what to do with the national guard troops Obama just ordered to the border.Not kidding. Mexico told Obama what to do with the national guard troops Obama just ordered to the border.You may not understand. Mexico did not make a profane...

A bill introduced by Democratic Deputy Majority Leader Peter Palumbo in the Rhode Island House of Representatives, similar to the Arizona immigration law, will not be permitted to go to a committee hearing, much less a vote:House Speaker Gordon D. Fox decided Monday that Rep.... appears to be a real, not spoof, website in protest against the Arizona immigration bill. (h/t)The site proposes that as a protest people wear a mask featuring a blond-haired white person's face (image right). According to the website:The objective of this action is to...

A Democratic state legislator in Rhode Island has filed a bill similar to the immigration law recently enacted in Arizona. As reported by The Providence Journal:State Rep. Peter Palumbo, D-District 16, Cranston, has filed a bill that largely copies a controversial Arizona law considered the...

We are being led by ideologues who are wilfully ignorant of the legal topics about which they do not hesitate to opine. These people lack a simple inquisitiveness of the mind on topics about which they already have made up their minds.First, Attorney General Eric...

Apparently, it constitutes race baiting to mention Al Sharpton when criticizing the boycott of Arizona, according to Kevin Johnson, at ImmigrationProf Blog:The website mentioned in Palin's message includes the following "defense" of Arizona:"instead of taking action to help, the state has come under attack...

Also known as killing two birds with one stone.We get to apologize to and beg forgiveness from China for the sin of Arizona seeking to enforce the U.S. immigration laws, thus satisfying the 11th Commandment, "thou shall apologize profusely."And, as the twofer, we get to...

So says Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley (remember her?), regarding the arrests in Boston of possible Times Square bombing suspects on immigration charges.As reported by Where Are My Keys blog, via Howie Carr:The question at the press conference at the State House yesterday was, Why...

The reaction to the Arizona Immigration law has been outlandish. While there are legitimate civil liberties concerns, as there are with many laws, the use of terms such as racist and Nazi to describe the law went beyond the pale.Eric Holder agrees that there...

I saw a thread on Memeorandum linking to a ridiculous post, titled Bush, Slave Labor and Arizona, by the founder and Editor of, Mark Karlin.BuzzFlash bills itself as a progressive online community, which probably is why I had not heard of it before, despite...

One of the arguments raised against the Arizona immigration law (in addition to it being the modern incarnation of Nazism) was that states had no authority under the U.S. Constitution to conduct their own immigration policies.So I presume we will hear howls of constitutional outrage...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:It has been eight days since the Governor of Arizona signed the immigration law. A few tweaks have been made in the wording of the law since then, but...

... if you want to be able to continue using terms like Nazi, Communist and Apartheid to describe the new Arizona immigration law. Or if, like President Obama, you want to claim that the law would allow people to be questioned merely for going out...

This whole boycott thing is getting really confusing.California is boycotting Arizona because of the Arizona immigration law.But weren't we already supposed to be boycotting California because of Prop. 8?Or if not the entire State of California, then at least the counties which voted for Prop....

There is a fundamental disconnect in the arguments being mounted against the Arizona immigration law. What many of the critics want to say, but do not, is that they view all immigration laws as inherently racist because most illegal immigrants are non-white.There are some legitimate...