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Health Care Tag

In some New York City public schools, parents can chip in together to hire teaching assistants to help out: For years, top Manhattan public schools have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from parents to independently hire assistants to help teachers with reading, writing, tying...

As if all the problems with the Democratic health care proposals, such as increasing the federal budget deficit even assuming large new tax revenues, were not enough, now add this: The proposals will break the budget of the states as well. From the NY Times:The...

Without any expansion of federal health benefits, the cost of Medicare and Medicaid is sinking the budget, according to this Congressional Budget Office release:Under current law, the federal budget is on an unsustainable path, because federal debt will continue to grow much faster than the...

The Drudge Report links today to a Craigslist-San Francisco ad (right) by the Fund for the Public Interest, Inc. (formerly known as the Fund for Public Interest Research, Inc., referred to as The Fund), seeking people willing to help the "CAMPAIGN TO FIX THE HIGH...

I didn't watch the ABC-White House health care special last night because the set up was one-sided. From an ABC report of the program, however, it appears that all did not go as planned for the White House, as two physicians in the audience challenged...

David Brooks has a piece in today's NY Times in which he explains how Barack Obama will pass health care reform. The solution can be summed up in two words: Deception and Tyranny.After allowing the political process (and all those messy bad interest groups) to...

The Congressional Budget Office has released its preliminary assessment of draft legislation to reform health insurance, and the picture is ugly. (h/t/ HotAir)Contrary to the claims by the Obama administration and Congressional Democrats that the reform will provide coverage for all Americans without busting the...