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Health Care Tag

This is the second in a series of posts analyzing randomly selected provisions in HR3200, the House Democratic health care restructuring bill. In the prior post, I examined the almost incomprehensible section 1721 concerning payments to primary care practitioners.The page selected for this post, using...

No one has been able to get a full grasp on the scope of the health care system restructuring proposed by the Democrats. I have written extensively on some of the more interesting tax provisions, but I only have scratched the surface. The pending House...

Mathew Yglesias is one of the leading liberal bloggers pushing ObamaCare KennedyCare. Since every Senate vote counts, Yglesias and other KennedyCare promoters need to justify the Massachusetts legislature's pending flip-flop on how to select a successor to Ted Kennedy, to allow the Democratic Governor to...

CNN and MSNBC have been covering the Ted Kennedy death virtually non-stop. But it's not working out so well, per L.A. Times:Fox News maintained its top ranking among the cable news channels Wednesday as its competitors turned most of their coverage over to the death...

As of August 24, 2009, the two Democratic draft health care restructuring bills were horrible monstrosities which contained a myriad of pernicious tax and other provisions which put at risk the well-being of hundreds of millions of Americans while doing precious little to help the...

The Telegraph newspaper in Britain has details on a new report just released by the Patients Association which reveals one aspect of the health care crisis in Britain: In the last six years, the Patients Association claims hundreds of thousands have suffered from poor standards...

How to react to Ted Kennedy's death? There certainly is an initial inclination to react the way so many left-wing blogs reacted to the death of Robert Novak, such as this post at the prominent Crooks and Liars:Novak will perhaps be best remembered -- if...

More tax mischief surfaces, once again, when the pending House health care bill is squeezed. This analysis by a tax lawyer at the law firm of Cleary Gottlieb shows that when various cross-referenced provisions are read together, the House bill limits the discretion of the...

Remember when Tea Parties and health care protests were derided as AstroTurf because some conservative groups gave logistical support? So what do you call it when the Democratic National Committee "organizes" and "plans" 500 protests, including the use of "professionally staffed" protests? From Politico: Faced...

I can't keep up with all the ways in which this administration is failing. From the health care restructuring proposals gone sour, to the slippage in Iraq and Afghanistan, to the appeasement of Hugo Chavez and Iran and the bullying of Honduras, to the end...

A good example of how far off course Democrats in Congress have strayed on the issue of health care reform, are provisions in the Senate HELP Committee draft bill creating rules and regulations governing food disclosures at fast food restaurants and in vending machines.Titled the...

The House and Senate draft bills for health care restructuring are so odious that they are beyond repair.It's nice that Max Baucus and some others are trying to squeeze some of the disastrous provisions out of the bills, but it is a waste of time....

Why hadn't I seen this before?[youtube=](h/t Tysk)--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bureaucracy Expansion Act of 2009IRS The New Health Care EnforcerFollow me on Twitter and Facebook...

As much attention as the draft health care restructuring bills have received, so much has been missed in the thousands of pages of proposed legislation. It is not an exaggeration to say that these proposals create numerous and layered levels of new bureaucracies, on top...

You would be hard-pressed to find a better example of how uncompromising the left-wing of the Democratic Party has become than the attempts to make sure the Obama administration and moderate Democrats do not compromise on the public option.Jane Hamsher, one of the most prominent...

To resolve the Mexican Standoff in which the Democrats find themselves over the health care restructuring bill, Harry Reid apparently has come up with the idea of splitting the bill. The popular insurance reform provisions would go to a full Senate vote subject to a...

Liberal Democrats say they will not vote for a health care restructuring bill without a public option. Less liberal Democrats say they will not vote for a health care restructuring bill with a public option.Democrats need both groups to vote in favor of any bill...

So predicts Gerald Warner in The Telegraph newspaper, in a column with the lengthy and highly descriptive title President Pantywaist in retreat: Barack Obama hoists the white flag over Stalinist health care proposals. [h/t Tim Blair] After reading the title, I'm not sure you...