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Health Care Tag

You've been warned before. The devil in Obamacare is not in the 2000 pages, its in the regulations to be promulgated.  For every page, expect several regulations.  It will push up the cost of health insurance and suffocate the private insurance markets as a result. When cost...

He says he will make a decision over the holidays, and Democrats in Washington desperately want him to run even though he is in a weakened position because of the Cornhusker Kickback. The NRSC has released a web ad which highlights Nelson's problem (h/t HotAir).  I...

Democratic Senator Ben Nelson from Nebraska negotiated the now infamous "Cornhusker Kickback" payoff from Obama for Nelson's vote in favor of Obamacare. The payoff was an embarrassment for the people of Nebraska, as I noted at the time.  One Nebraska family care physician wrote an open letter to...

Mitt Romney appeared last night for an interview with Brett Baier (video below).  Too bad Brett didn't ask Romney why Romney refused to appear before the full panel on Center Seat, like the other candidates have done. My biggest reaction is that it's bizarre that Romney refuses to admit he...

The Supreme Court has just announced that it will take the Obamacare litigation, meaning that a decision will be rendered on the individual mandate, if not the entire law, by the end of June. As reported in USA Today: The Supeme court said today it will hear...

The opinion isn't on the court website yet, but here's how The Wall Street Journal describes it: A federal appeals court in Washington ruled Tuesday that last year's federal health-care overhaul is constitutional, handing the Obama administration another legal victory ahead of the Supreme Court's likely...

From the files, a freak show on the Ed Show, with Anthony Weiner commenting on Alan Grayson: ...

Creating a centralized electronic medical record is one of the primary goals of the Obama administration (and Bush before that, although not funded) under the theory that a centralized record will lead to greater efficiencies. Don't worry, your centralized medical records will be safe. Unless, of course, someone working...

Judge Christopher C. Conner of the U.S. District Court in the Middle District of Pennsylvania has stricken the Obamacare mandatge in a Memorandum and Order issued today (h/t Fuzzy via Gateway Pundit), as reported by Bloomberg: The insurance-buying mandate in President Barack Obama’s health-care reform legislation is...

The 4th Circuit has dismissed Virginia's Obamacare mandate suit, which Virginia won in the District Court, on the ground that the Attorney General did not have "standing" to sue (meaning that he was not a person legally entitled to sue). I haven't seen the opinion yet,...

This is the big case involving 26 states.  In January, Judge Roger Vinson struck the entire law finding that the mandate could not be severed from the rest of the law. The 11th Circuit ruled that the mandate was unconstitutional, but unlike Judge Vinson, did not throw...

Cornell professor of policy analysis Dr. Richard Burkhauser, along with Sean Lyons and Indiana University's Dr. Kosali Simon, has released a study showing that the ObamaCare legislation provides a significant incentive for employers and their employees to take advantage of the taxpayer subsidized insurance exchange. According to their...

Why are they rioting in England, they have free health care?...

Almost the entire Democratic Party theme for the 2012 elections at every level is that evil Republicans want to destroy "Medicare as we know it," whereas Democrats want to save the program by raising taxes on the "rich." As Michael Alan  documented here, groups behind the "Mediscare"...