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Haiti Tag

There are few things so vile as the various "Israel Apartheid Week" activities that have taken place the last few years, an attempt by the coalition of Islamists and Leftists to delegitimize Israel, and everything about Israel. Look at the speaker list of almost any of...

If you haven't heard of Ludmya "Mia" B. Love before, you will be hearing a lot more about her.  Mia has the potential to be the next big thing in conservative politics. And you heard about her here first! Mia is the American-born daughter of Haitian...

Today the tragedy in Japan is on the minds of people around the world. This was a terrible tragedy, but it lifts my spirits to see how being in a developed country can dramatically increase the welfare of a group of people in such a...

Michael Shaw, who blogs at HuffPo, has a serious case of PDS.  Upon seeing an AP photo with a caption asserting that Sarah Palin had "her hair done during a visit to a cholera treatment center," Shaw went wild:If I find the fantastically clever Sarah Palin to...

Some thoughts, and inviting reader comments, on a variety of topics today (a running list):Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers.  Which is an interesting point, because some of my readers are trolls and nutroot lurkers.  I even wish them a Happy Thanksgiving, because I'm that big...

Ethan Bronner of The New York Times has a classic piece on the opening of a luxury mall in Gaza.How does one balance the endless propaganda that Gaza is a concentration camp and that Israelis are committing genocide, with the reality that Gaza exceeds most...