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Gun Control Tag

A poll hosted by the MSNBC asked respondents a simple question: Do you think people should be allowed to carry guns in public? Given that it's MSNBC, the leftist conspiracy machine, hosting the poll, I doubt they thought the results would be so favorable to our beloved Constitution.

New Zealand government introduced legislation on Friday aimed at further tightening the country's gun laws. The bill, tabled by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, will create a nationwide gun registry and criminalize certain firearm modifications, local newspapers report. If passed into law, it will require gun owners to register their weapons every five years.

Here’s a pro-tip for all of you who will be seeing headlines in coming days from “news” articles writing about a recent “scientific” study on gun violence: Any time you see such a study purport to examine “gun violence” but actually examine “homicide” and “suicide,” you can be pretty sure it’s a hack job.

After the mosque attacks in Christchurch where 50 people were murdered, New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the government would move quickly to tighten existing gun laws. Ahead of the new laws, Ardern urged gun owners to voluntarily surrender their firearms. As of March 20th, a whole 37 guns had been surrendered out of an estimated 1.2 million.