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Gender Tag

Despite decades of leftist social engineering, it turns out that—generally speaking—little girls most enjoy playing with dolls, while little boys most enjoy playing with toy trucks. Moreover, according to a recent study, this tendency to prefer toys associated with "traditional gender roles" has remained steady for 50 years.

Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling has returned a Kennedy family award following criticism for her alleged 'transphobic' views. The author, who received the 2019 Ripple of Hope award by the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights (RFKHR) organisation for her work with a UK children's charity, was attacked by the media and activists for her 'anti-trans' comments where she dared to make a distinction between biological women and transgender.

The London High Court has ruled a police investigation into allegedly "transphobic" tweets unlawful. The presiding judge, Justice Julian Knowles, likened the police methods used in the case to that of the Soviet secret police Cheka and the Nazi Gestapo. The police action amounted to a "disproportionate interference" with the freedom of speech, the court found on Friday.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, German Chancellor Angela Merkel's successor, has come under fire for make a joke about gender-neutral bathrooms. Her remark was in response to a campaign waged by the left-wing Green Party to introduce gender-neutral bathrooms in official builds in the state of Berlin. She said the third-gender toilets were for "men who cannot decide if they want to sit or stand when they pee" on a carnival-themed TV show.

We now live in a world where questioning whether Chelsea Manning is truly a woman can get you deplatformed on social media for hate speech while the American Psychological Association sees traditional masculinity as a mental disorder. The APA just published a lengthy screed on the topic which reads as if it was compiled with assistance from a college symposium on intersectional feminism. I've tried to digest some of the most telling passages.