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Free Speech Tag

Gallup and the Knight Foundation released a survey of college students on the issue of free speech. The full report (pdf.) is here. I discuss the highlights below. Liberal writers at Vox and elsewhere are furiously trying to preempt the fallout from the survey arguing that a majority of students say they support free speech. The results of the survey, however, show that generic support for free speech is not reflected in student willingness to let free speech happen.

Christina Hoff Sommers was invited the the Lewis & Clark Law School Federalist Society chapter. The "anti-fascist" coalition at the law school decided she should not be allowed to speak. Apparently having a different opinion, and fact checking the statistics behind claims of a campus rape crisis and wage differential makes one "fascist".

As we have documented here dozens of times, a standard anti-Israel tactic on campuses is to disrupt events and speakers. The purpose of even a temporary disruption is to intimidate and make clear there is a price to pay for Israeli or pro-Israel events. It happened again, at an event sponsored by the Brody Jewish Center - Hillel at the University of Virginia and two pro-Israel student groups.

Charlie Kirk of the conservative organization Turning Point USA spoke at Colorado State University this weekend. While Kirk's speech apparently went on without a problem, extremists of all stripes clashed outside the building in protests that had to be dispersed by police.