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Since the night of the election, when media coverage of election night went from joyous to stunned to near-weepy, the progressive left has been in a self-righteous lather about President-elect Trump's victory.  They are pulling out all stops in an effort to undermine President-elect Trump and his presidency.  Indeed, they seem intent on seeing that he not take office at all. Blaming everything and everyone but themselves and their candidate (with a few notable exceptions), the left took to the streets to riot, they took up their pens to advocate the end of the Electoral College, they bully and harass electors attempting to sway their votes, and they've recently landed on Russian involvement in the elections.

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill introduced by Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) that protects FBI whistleblowers. Chaffetz said:
"While a great many changes remain to be made in how DOJ and the FBI respond to whistleblowers, this commonsense clarification is not minor. If implemented, it would have far-reaching implications in protecting whistleblowers at the FBI, just as Congress intended in 1978 in the first whistleblower protection law.”
Case after case has shown the FBI did not not protect its whistleblowers as well as other departments. Whistleblowers often faced retaliation and threatening emails. A few even lost their jobs all because they wanted to expose wrong doings in their divisions.

It is never ever a Clinton's fault when they fail. Never. Of course Hillary has pointed the finger at FBI Director James Comey while others blame outside forces. The only person who has actually pointed the finger at the Democrats and Hillary? President Barack Obama. Hillary told major donors that Comey's letter to Congress a week before the election cost her the presidency:
“There are lots of reasons why an election like this is not successful,” Mrs. Clinton said, according to a donor who relayed the remarks. But, she added, “our analysis is that Comey’s letter raising doubts that were groundless, baseless, proven to be, stopped our momentum.”

When FBI Director James Comey alerted Congress that new emails required a re-opening of the Hillary investigation, I noted Ed Morrissey's observation that this could be another Lucy-Charlie Brown football situation, with Republicans and other opponents of Hillary having the ball pulled away at the last minute. I also polled readers, who by 2-1 said the FBI would not exonerate Hillary before the election. There were signs of pressure from above, with DOJ promising to throw all resources to resolve the issue. Loretta Lynch, who didn't want Comey to make the disclosure in the first place, was not going to let this linger until election day. The Clinton campaign and mainstream media had declared war on Comey. And, SURPRISE, Comey just issued a letter saying no change in FBI decision not to recommend prosecution of Hillary:

According to FBI notes and memos, Hillary Clinton had her housekeeper print out sensitive materials, including material that was marked "confidential" and "secret" or "top secret."  The housekeeper, Marina Santos, does not have the security clearance to handle classified information. Fox News reports:
As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton routinely asked her maid to print out sensitive government emails and documents — including ones containing classified information — from her house in Washington, D.C., e-mails and FBI memos show. But the housekeeper lacked the security clearance to handle such material. In fact, Marina Santos was called on so frequently to receive e-mails that she may hold the secrets to E-mailgate — if only the FBI and Congress would subpoena her and the equipment she used. Clinton entrusted far more than the care of her D.C. residence, known as Whitehaven, to Santos. She expected the Filipino immigrant to handle state secrets, further opening the Democratic presidential nominee to criticism that she played fast and loose with national security.

It's understandable that those who thought Hillary had a lock on the presidency are getting pretty frustrated. She may still win, but it's far from guaranteed now that the Clinton Foundation pay-for-play allegations are circulating and the Huma-Anthony computer cache is being scrutinized leading to a reopening of the server/email scandal. Has the FBI become Trumpland? That's what The Guardian claims, 'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say:

It's hard to rank Clinton scandals. Hillary's email scandal has been the focus for good reason -- it's been more accessible because the records at issue were public records even if hidden and destroyed by Hillary in good measure. The Washington Post reports tonight that the Huma-Weiner computer issue that led to FBI Director Comey's letter to Congress was discovered in early October. The sequence of events leading to Comey's letter was not as quick or haphazard as reported, but fairly methodical to the point that Comey felt word would leak out because prosecutors needed a search warrant:

No wonder the Clintons get away with everything! They have people scattered across the government to help them out. It turns out Assistant Attorney Peter Kadzik at the Department of Justice is also extremely close to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chair. Kadzik is also one of the DOJ attorneys involved with the reopening of Hillary's email scandal after new evidence emerged on devices belonging to Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Weiner.

Remember a few months back when Democrats were accusing Donald Trump of being a conspiracy theorist? Good times. Democratic strategist James Carville has completely lost his mind and is now claiming that the FBI is working in concert with the Republican Party to take down Hillary. Oh, and the KGB is involved too. Fittingly, Carville made the remarks on MSNBC. Transcript via Real Clear Politics:
Carville Blows Up On MSNBC Anchor: Our Democracy Is Under Assault By Comey, The KGB And Republicans CARVILLE: He was acting in concert and coordination with the House Republicans. End of story. He gave a letter to them. They gave it to FOX News. Also, we have this extraordinary case of the KGB being involved in this race and selectively leaking things from the Clinton campaign that they hacked.

Hillary Clinton had the private email system. Hillary used her private email system to send and receive classified information. Hillary had the email server installed at her house. Yet the big three networks have attacked FBI Director James Comey over Hillary's email scandal instead of the presidential candidate.

Frank Drebin would be so proud of his namesake . . . It was one of those classic "nothing to see here, move along" moments. On today's Morning Joe, New York Times columnist Frank Bruni, saying that there was no new terrain broached in FBI Director James Comey's letter of this past Friday, claimed "it won't move people away from" voting for Hillary Clinton. Bruni also praised the "incredibly rapid and thorough mobilization of the Clinton campaign and their allies" in getting headlines to mention Comey as much as Clinton, and to question whether the FBI Director did the right thing. Lost on Bruni was the irony that chief among those Clinton campaign "allies" are members of the liberal media who write the headlines. You know: allies such as . . . Frank Bruni.

As the Hillary email-Weiner sexting scandals and investigations unfold, we are learning that there are thousands of emails that the FBI believes to be work-related correspondence between Hillary and Huma Abedin. Abedin is saying she has no idea how those emails got on the co-owned computer, and considering that saying otherwise would reveal a crime (i.e.  perjury and/or lying to the FBI—the latter is how Martha Stewart earned her stay at Club Fed), that is not surprising. Comey stated in his letter to Congress that the investigative team working on the Weiner sexting case briefed him on the emails they found to and from Hillary.

From the Arkansas Governorship to the U.S. presidency to the State Department to the Clinton Foundation, the Clintons corrupt every institution they touch. That includes the current presidential election, with Bill Clinton meeting secretly (until caught) with Attorney General Loretta Lynch as the FBI and DOJ were evaluating whether to prosecute Hillary. Bill didn't need to say particular words to influence Lynch, the message was sent by the meeting. It tainted Lynch, DOJ, the FBI and the entire investigation. Hillary was under investigation because she improperly set up a private server to handle her work email traffic, including classified information. This was done for the worst of reasons, to create a shadow electronic government completely under the control of Hillary and her team in order to shield her records of public service from public scrutiny. All else flows from that, including putting Obama in a position of lying to the public about what he knew and when he knew it.

History's Most Qualified Candidate couldn't be bothered to read the second page of a two-page letter. That was Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook's laughably lame excuse for the lie Hillary perpetrated in claiming that FBI Director Comey had only sent his recent letter to Republican members of Congress. In fact, the second page of the letter clearly showed that all the ranking Dems on the various committees had been sent the letter. Mook offered up his feeble fish story to Chris Wallace on today's Fox News Sunday. Mook also repeatedly dodged Wallace's question as to whether Hillary has asked Huma what was in the emails on the laptop Abedin shared with husband Anthony Weiner.

There have been numerous developments today in the reopening of the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton, most notably the declaration of war by Clinton World on James Comey. The war started after almost 24 hours of shock and awe resulting from the Friday afternoon announcement left Team Hillary and the rest of Clinton World attempting to hold back the onslaught of news coverage. Clinton World first tried to buy itself time by arguing over what the meaning of "reopen" was. It was comical, but arguing over definitions is what the Clintons do to buy themselves time until they can counter attack:

Loretta Lynch's Department of Justice just can't seem to leave alone the FBI's investigation of Hillary Clinton for her private email server and its ramifications for national security.  The "tarmac summit" between Lynch and Bill Clinton was grossly improper, leading FBI agents to suggest the meeting was to broker "an inside deal."  And now we are learning that "senior Justice officials" warned the FBI against Comey updating Congress regarding an email stash found while investigating Hillary's top aide Huma Abedin's disgraced husband Anthony Weiner. The Washington Post reports:
Senior Justice Department officials warned the FBI that Director James B. Comey’s decision to notify Congress about renewing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server was not consistent with long-standing practices of the department, according to officials familiar with the discussions.