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Eric Holder Tag

So he made some mistakes. Name an Attorney General who hasn't made mistakes. Okay, more than "some" mistakes: We were right all along, admit it, HuffPo.  Come on, man and woman up. A simple, "we're sorry" will do.  Actually, no it won't....

I have not devoted nearly enough space to the Fast and Furious scandal and cover up.  It is a potential Achilles' Heel exposing the "above the law" attitude of this administration. From The Daily Caller: A single internal Department of Justice email could be the smoking-gun  document...

Yesterday I posted about Joe Scarborough bad-mouthing bloggers sitting in the basement eating Cheetos. Last night Michelle Malkin encountered the same attitude from Juan Williams (jump ahead to 6:45 if you don't have much time)(via HotAir): I'll tell you what Michelle, I'm a real reporter, not a blogger out in the...

Eric Holder has been selected as Harvard Law School's Class Day Speaker.  I don't remember if there was a Class Day when I was there, but I would not have attended anyway for reasons already known to readers. Holder will be greeted with posters protesting Holder's...