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Education Tag

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of sitting in on a lecture given by Dr. Richard Baer, professor emeritus of environmental ethics and education, at an event hosted by the Cornell Republicans. Baer spoke at length about how, in their rush to ensure that they're not promoting religious...

considering that I finished high skool before the creashion of the U.S. Deparment of Edjukation in 1980. If there were federal mandates, bureaucracies, and of course, No Child Left Behind, when I was in skool ...

Dear Rahm, Governor Christie has a right to get testy when questioned on his family's decision to send their children to parochial school because he's working to give all children the opportunity to get a great education, be it in a public school or elsewhere. You,...

at It's possible, but the day is not over.The most amazing thing to me is not that Christie tells the voter that it's none of her business where he sends his kids to school, but that he pays $38,000 per year in property taxes.  Ouch.

From The Cornell Sun:Although Cornell’s female faculty report higher levels of satisfaction than they did in 2005, male faculty still say they are happier with their jobs than their female colleagues are, according to the results of the 2010 Faculty Work Life Survey.Looking at the...

You can't make this stuff up.I posted earlier about a school which banned the singing of Happy Birthday out of fear of, well, it's a little hard to articulate the irrational.But that's not the real story, according to Peter Daou, who uses the following diagram...

One elementary school instituted a Taliban-like ban on singing "Happy Birthday" for fear of upsetting students who were not participating in the celebration (or something like that):A ban on singing “Happy Birthday” lasted all of four days at Chesterfield Elementary School in Missouri after angry parents bombarded...

Ethan Haines is a law school graduate who blogs at, a website devoted to the plight of law students who graduate with loads of student loan debt and few job prospects.Glenn Reynolds has written of the higher education bubble in general, and law student...

Another "emergency" and pending "catastrophe" is being used to justify more federal government spending to support unsustainable teachers' union contracts:Education Secretary Arne Duncan says President Obama "absolutely supports" a congressional proposal for $23 billion in emergency education spending in order to stave off teacher layoffs...

The federal Department of Education has released a script for pre-K through 6th grade teachers to use in conjunction with Barack Obama's "historic" nationwide speech to elementary school students on September 8.The script instructs teachers to use the following questions with the students after the...

I mean, for the Everett, Washington, School Board Committee: Enough Already! Let's bring about the return of common sense, transparency and personal accountability to the Everett School Board.I think we need some of that in Washington, D.C., as well. Also, isn't this how Sarah Palin...