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Democratic National Committee chair Jaime Harrison is lashing out at Republicans as his party sinks in polls ahead of the 2022 midterms. He is desperately trying to label Republicans as fascists. Harrison is particularly angry about comments Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) recently made about Biden's Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown-Jackson. Democrats seem to have completely forgotten their treatment of Brett Kavanaugh.

I have to hand it the GOP, I did not expect the Republican National Convention to be as effective and good as it was. It was the greatest show on earth for those four nights, driving home messaging that was extremely damaging to Joe Biden and reaching out to voter groups that are not traditional Republican voters.

Other than some of the key speeches, I skipped most of the live coverage of the Democrat National Convention. When I tried to watch, it was unbearable, like watching a never-ending public service announcement from the Ad Council. So I missed the live coverage of "Michael from Rhode Island" presented by the DNC as a "longstanding Republican for a long time" who is voting for Biden.