Democratic Party Union Ticked Off Over DNC Layoffs
One fired employee:”If they want to be the party of the working people they should have more respect for their workers. There’s an inauthenticity to how they talk about workers and clearly voters feel the same thing.”

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) Staff Union lashed out at the party after it laid off hundreds of employees.
“The Democratic National Committee is facing the fallout of callous and short-sighted mismanagement by senior leadership,” the union said in a statement.
One day’s notice, no severance—the DNC fights for workers, just not their own.
Full statement below:
— DNC Staff Union (@dncstaffunion) November 18, 2024
The DNC fired the permanent employees without severance pay.
The leadership has yet to tell the union “the full extent of these layoffs and whether additional cuts are planned.”
The union also said the DNC told these employees they would keep their jobs after the election:
Despite record-breaking fundraising, the DNC failed to provide any financial support to those who have tirelessly served the Democratic Party and its mission. Unlike the Harris-Walz campaign, which provided three weeks of severance to its staff, the DNC’s senior leadership has chosen to leave loyal staff scrambling to cover rent, medical expenses, and childcare costs.
Among those now facing uncertainty are workers expecting new children and single parents who have dedicated their lives to our party. Scores of experienced staff, some who have been here as many as four decades, will see their institutional knowledge vanish overnight due to this rushed mass layoff. The individuals whose decision throughout the campaign created this situation remain on payroll, while these workers are left with nothing.
The Harris campaign raised $1 billion but is $20 million in debt.
The campaign turned into the “Harris Fight Fund,” claiming the money would go towards uncalled races.
The campaign didn’t budget and spent money on stupid decisions like $20 million on election eve concerts.
Yes, the campaign ran itself like the government: spend, spend, spend without budgeting.
“If they want to be the party of the working people they should have more respect for their workers,” one of the fired employees told Axios. “There’s an inauthenticity to how they talk about workers and clearly voters feel the same thing.”
“This scale of the layoffs is shocking people who have been here for a decade,” a current staffer told Axios. “People are blindsided by this…I’ve completely lost faith in the Democratic Party and I’m still working for them.”
A DNC spokesperson claimed the layoffs are a normal part of election cycles and the organization abided by the CBA terms:
A DNC spokesperson told Axios: “Every cycle, political organizations scale up to meet the demands, and as the cycle comes to a close, it’s a tough reality of our industry that we must part with talented, hardworking staff.”
- They added: “While the DNC has met the terms of the union agreement negotiated by the CBA, we share the entire DNC family’s frustration and continue to provide resources to all members of the team to support them in this transition.”
I wonder if the union will go after the Harris campaign since it supposedly cannot pay senior staffers.
What a mess.

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I’m a bit confused. Why does the DNC have a union?
The DNC Union is starting to understand that elections have consequences, especially for those who conspired to steal the previous election.
You are out of money so you have to lay off staff. Cry me a river.
Please! Someone fetch me the world’s smallest bucket so I may contain my flooding tears…
I believe Amazon has that bucket with matching tiny violin!
There are 6 main signs that your joy is running dry.
Usually you can tell just based on the taste of your joy or if your joy looks muddy. But a sputtering Harris pump that is constantly running are common indications that your joy has run dry.
It’s quite recent: the vote to unionize was in 2022 and the CBA was signed last summer.
Most of the people let go were temporary hires who were there for the height of the campaign and had no reason to expect their jobs were going to last too long after it ended. I have no idea if or how they were covered under the CBA.
To me, the union’s press release is conflating the permanent staff who were also let go with the temporary hires. The rush indicates to me that (a) the Harris debt is really, really worrisome; and (b) their post-election fundraising is nonexistent so the only thing they can do is cut costs quickly.
There was a telling quote in the Axios article: “The reality is: this is what happens when you lose. We have a generation of people who haven’t had to go through a really brutal loss. We aren’t trying to hatchet people.” Translation: “Suck it up, buttercups, this is normal.”
Harris/Obama Democrats showing who they are. Uncaring. Fraudently so.
Conversely, there is the Trump phenomenon here and abroad. Unbridled joy. It shows how bad these Democrats made it on the rest.
Is this the same kind of joy that the Harris campaign and the media kept talking about? Because it sure feels like a (D)ifferent kind of joy!
Perhaps they should learn to code.
Thye probably are not smart enough to code.
You have to be able to use logic to code. I don’t think this is an avenue for most of the DNC staff.
Their brains would break. Imagine trying to explain to them that there are only two numbers to code in in binary. They’d insist there are actually 57 varieties of ones and zeros. There would be trans ones, nonbinary zeros, and heaven knows what else.
The nonbinary zeroes are the scariest.
I think Obama is one.
Maybe the DNC “co-signed” for the Harris campaign when they began to go into the red at the end and now they see that they will have to deal with that $20mil shortfall. That last ditch effort to wring more money from the contributors is probably “falling short of expectations”.
The “help with the uncalled races” sounds bogus: all the cost is on the backs of the various counties and states in doing the recounts and ballot verification work. Unless that *help* entails printing and sneaking extra ballots now that they know how many they need.
No respect for union staff, or for voters, or for taxpayers.
Is this the DNC trifecta?
The fact that the staff running the campaign that broke all fundraising records, but still managed to overspend while being completely ineffective was unionized is <chef’s kiss>.
Remember that Dems actively recruit the dredges of society, deplorables who are certainly not very smart. They are paying for Affirmative and DEI incompetence.
“The Democratic National Committee is facing the fallout of callous and short-sighted mismanagement by senior leadership,”
My little heart goes pitter pat.
Just think — we ALL could have been facing that, for four years.
“If they want to be the party of the working people they should have more respect for their workers,” one of the fired employees told Axios.
Why? What are you going to do if they don’t? Vote Republican?
This is the perfect situation for Soros and Clooney to really step up, big time.
Try not sucking so much next time
“The DNC fired the permanent employees without severance pay.”
Hey, remember when Bernie got caught paying all his ignorant campaign workers less than minimum wage?
Democrats only MAKE the rules, silly — they don’t live by them!
And the Bernie memes after he stopped campaigning “NO REFUNDS!”
This is off topic, but I’ll post it anyway. A long time, over ten years, follower and supporter of LI, my occasional comments are increasingly frequently being terminated while in the process of being written. It has happened three times tonight. What is going on? Something smells of an AI involvement somewhere in the back room: where, Word Press?
That happens to me when the page refreshes, sometimes due to ads. I lose the comment.
I have learned to copy my comments while I type, or type long comments in the Notes app and paste.
In the best economy of our lifetimes, we just don’t understand how good it is as we were told, they should have no problem finding jobs. Maybe they can all learn to code.
Doesn’t the DNC have to comply with the WARN act and give 60 days notice?
I guess they can burn through cash without repercussions.
It’s another ghreat example of Democrat projection:
“We passed those labor laws to prevent the sort of abuses we would be committing if we were employers.”
And then: Surprise, surprise, surprise, employees!
Dems do not care about people, they only care about power and money. The DNC is hurting for money so people have to go. I am surprised they have a Union. Usually they have Public Unions that feed money into them.
Heh. You fucked up! You trusted us!