Congress Approves Extension of Warrantless Surveillance as Part of the Defense Policy Bill
Why won't the Supreme Court hear cases challenging surveillance under Section 702?...
Why won't the Supreme Court hear cases challenging surveillance under Section 702?...
"A bare majority of Democrats (53%) say speech should be legal under any circumstances, while 47% say it should be legal 'only under certain circumstances.'”...
Judge finds "no standing" to sue. Are the attempts to get judicial decisions keeping Trump off the ballot over? Of course not, but this is another sign that such attempts are likely to be unsuccessful. Hence the urging for state and local election officials to...
"Now you fast-forward to what we saw last week, affirmative action. Again, taking away important constitutional rights that have been in place for a long time."...
SCOTUS didn't take the case involving racist anti-white NY State Covid therapeutic guidelines because the crisis has passed, but Justices Alito and Thomas issued a Statement warning that "New York’s general reference to 'longstanding systemic health and social inequities' would not have sufficed to allow...
The challenged law forced landlords to consent to warrantless government searches of their property and business records. Ithaca's Jason Fane prevails, calls ruling "a victory for the rights of small business owners and the civil liberties of every citizen."...
Majority Opinion by Chief Justice John Roberts: "The Elections Clause does not insulate state legislatures from the ordinary exercise of state judicial review." Thomas, Gorsuch, and Alito dissented....
"an emphasis on nurturing patriotism and western-democratic thought through active instruction"...
“We’re glad the state has dropped the charges, but this never should have happened”...
Justices appear likely to side with elderly homeowner in tax foreclosure dispute...
"violates core principles of academic freedom"...
"The Constitution gives the Vice President no executive powers; the Vice President's only duties are to preside over the Senate and to become President if the serving President dies or leaves office."...
"The bill (HB 543) would eliminate a concealed-weapons licensing process that includes people undergoing criminal background checks and completing firearms-training courses."...
The reasons why general citizens should not talk to the police are the flip side of why the feds should have wanted to have Dem Crypto King to testify to congress. There was zero upside for Dem Crypto King, and only upside for the feds....
What don't you understand about "The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof...
"Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION?”...
"allows people to anonymously report incidents that could be perceived as biased"...
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