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New Florida Law Expands Constitutional Curriculum and Civic Literacy at Universities

New Florida Law Expands Constitutional Curriculum and Civic Literacy at Universities

“an emphasis on nurturing patriotism and western-democratic thought through active instruction”

This is great. We need more of this all over the country.

The College Fix reports:

New Florida law forces universities to vastly expand Constitutional curriculum, civic literacy

Florida’s three largest universities must vastly expand their instruction on constitutional principles under a new law recently signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

The new law refocuses three already established academic centers at Florida State, University of Florida and Florida International University, retooling them with an emphasis on nurturing patriotism and western-democratic thought through active instruction.

UF’s Hamilton Center will “educate university students in core texts and great debates of Western civilization and the great books. The center is responsible for developing curriculum and courses to satisfy the requirement for the competency in civil discourse,” the law states.

DeSantis, at the bill’s signing event on May 15, said the Hamilton Center “is going to be a place where all these subjects, which were so essential for most of our history, and certainly the American founders would have said you need to have grounding on all this stuff, will be front and center.”

The legislation also requires Florida State University to rename and refocus its Institute for Governance to include viewpoint diversity as it develops a rigorous curriculum around the American system of government and its foundational documents.

Simultaneously, it infuses Florida International University’s Adam Smith Center for Study of Economic Freedom with funding to hire faculty and develop a curriculum.

DeSantis listed the financial support each center will receive for the expansions. He said FSU’s rebranded Florida Institute for Governance and Civics and FIU’s Adam Smith Center will receive $8 million and $5 million in additional funding, respectively. UF’s Hamilton Center will receive the most support, raking in $30 million.


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This should begin in high school

    CaptTee in reply to MrsA. | June 7, 2023 at 5:00 pm

    High School?

    Where I grew up you had to pass a US Constitution Test to get out of 7th Grade and a State Constitution Test to get out of 8th Grade!

BierceAmbrose | June 8, 2023 at 6:32 pm

A 7-th grade “civics” course I had, had us read the US and Soviet constitutions side by side, and go to observe any local govt meeting or event.

Seeing it in operatinon, you get an interesting perspective whether you want these people doing as little as necessary, or anything they think they should.