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Conservatives Tag

I didn't get a chance to comment this weekend on Matthew Yglesias' ground-breaking announcement that the country has become "ungovernable" because the majority (Democrats) seem unable to run roughshod over the minority (Republicans) in the Senate:We’re suffering from an incoherent institutional set-up in the senate....

The Speech. In Oslo. Oh my. He didn't apologize, as such. He spoke of a "just war." Of his obligation as President to defend the country. As if this all were a revelation.Ooooh. Aaaah. Says the vast right-wing conspiracy, in many and surprising places.It's all...

Over the summer I repeatedly sounded the alarm about one particular aspect of the Democratic health care proposals, the mandate that individuals purchase insurance under threat of penalty or incarceration. At the time I noted the unprecedented nature of the mandate, in my post Taxing...

This is my obligatory "Dede Scozzafava endorses Bill Owens" post. With a twist.Not sure what this all means two days before the election, except that it is clear that Dede belongs to the John Murtha party of pork-barrel politics.Scozafava's endorsement of Democrat Owens certainly was...

Dede Scazzafava's decision to drop out of the NY-23 race has evoked a round of name-calling and fear-mongering from the left-wing blogosphere not seen since ...

There is a political earthquake breaking in the NY-23 race. Republican insider Dede Scazzafava has quit the race, as reported first by Robert Stacey McCain, who is on the scene in upstate NY. HotAir is collecting the sources and information.This will pit Conservative Doug Hoffman...

Driving political rivals from office or appointed positions has a long tradition. Indeed, that is what politics is all about.Taking that fight into the private realm, whether someone's private employment or private associations, however, is a tactic we are seeing with increasing frequency from the...

To read the left-wing blogosphere and mainstream media, one would think that the American people were victims of a vast right-wing conspiracy. As if the critics of creeping government control of the health care and economic systems somehow were misleading an otherwise liberal population into...

Steve Benen at Washington Monthly's Political Animal blog complains that conservatives are working off some pre-determined script as to Ted Kennedy's death:"It looks like word went out yesterday about what leading conservative voices should say about Ted Kennedy's death: complain about the memorial service that...

I mean, for the Everett, Washington, School Board Committee: Enough Already! Let's bring about the return of common sense, transparency and personal accountability to the Everett School Board.I think we need some of that in Washington, D.C., as well. Also, isn't this how Sarah Palin...

Like I said, with regard to the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor, in my prior post Yes To Sotomayor. Here's an excerpt from reliably conservative Pat Toomey's Op-Ed today:When John Roberts and Samuel Alito were nominated to the Supreme Court, Republicans argued that they should be...

The NY Times reports on whether the Treasury's "Pay Czar" will try to break the contract Citigroup has with a Phibro commodities trader, under which the trader is owed $100 million. There apparently is no dispute that absent the Treasury lending Citigroup money, and the...

From a journalism student at the University of Oregon (via Instapundit):When I began examining the political affiliation of faculty at the University of Oregon, the lone conservative professor I spoke with cautioned that I would "make a lot of people unhappy." Though I mostly brushed...

Sarah Palin's announcement that she will resign as Governor of Alaska has kicked off a new round of attacks on Palin's intelligence and integrity from pundits on both sides of the political spectrum. For most of the commentators, the resignation signals an end to Palin's...

(h/t MAinfo) -------------------------------------------- Take a look at Remember "Ahmadinejad Won. Get Over It." and Iran Election Fraud Truthers Emerge Follow me on Twitter and Facebook ...

We are in the process of nationalizing and/or federalizing vast stretches of our economy, including the auto industry, banks, and health care. Individual property rights have taken a back seat to political priorities.I am against this trampling of individual property rights, which are the foundation...

You've been a bad boy, Arlen Specter. After all we did for you; making you Chair of the Judiciary Committee when we had the majority, and minority leader of the committee when we were in the minority. Supporting you against Pat Toomey five years ago....

The Ransom of Red Chief is a short story written by O. Henry in the early 1900's about a child kidnapped for ransom in a small town by two criminals. But the criminals did not know what they were getting into, as the exuberantly mischievous...