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Late Thursday afternoon Trump gave a speech and then answered questions from the press about policy regarding the caravan of illegal immigrants headed towards the U.S. I listened to it at the time, and here's the text of his remarks. After hearing the speech, I wasn't surprised by the spin given by this CNN headline about it: "Trump says he will restrict asylum, claims troops will shoot at rock throwers." Oh did he, now?

The US Secret Service intercepted packages sent to the homes of the Clintons in New York and President Barack Obama in Washington that contain "possible explosive devices." The Clintons and Obama didn't receive the packages "because of screening procedures." CNN then reported the NYPD has responded to a suspicious package outside at Time Warner Center in New York, the home of the network. Law enforcement also intercepted a package meant for the White House at Joint Base Bolling in DC, but now reports say "that there was no suspicious package addressed to the White House."

CNN State of the Union host Jake Tapper, one of the last reliable MSM reporters, got socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez all tongue-tied when he asked her plain and simple how she would pay for her $40 trillion platform. From Mediaite:
“Your platform has called for various new programs including Medicare-for-all, housing as a federal right, a federal jobs guarantee, tuition-free public college, canceling all student loan debt,” said Tapper, listing a few of the items the New York candidate has promised to pursue. “According to nonpartisan and left-leaning studies friendly to your cause including the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities or the Tax Policy Center, the overall price tag is more than $40 trillion in the next decade.”

CNN has raced for the bottom by aligning itself with #TheResistance, and as a result of its Trump derangement, the cable news network has been plagued with numerous #FakeNews scandals this year.  Last year, CNN earned the dubious distinction of being the only media outlet to be named a whopping four times in the 2017 Fake News Awards list of top ten purveyors of fake news. It's little surprise, then, that CNN's ratings are tanking.  And I mean really really tanking.  The vaunted “Chris Cuomo Primetime” has fewer viewers not only than Fox News but than HGTV.  This makes sense; after all, watching paint dry is far preferable to watching Cuomo's antics.

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse for Lanny Davis, the lawyer for President Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen, it has and yes it includes CNN. It all goes back to that explosive CNN report in July when "sources" told the network that Cohen claimed Trump knew about the "dirt" meeting at Trump Tower with Russians. BuzzFeed reported on Monday night that source was Davis himself. Here's the buried lede: Davis came out as the source of the story, but CNN's report stated that Davis declined to comment on the story.

Back in July, Kemberlee blogged about CNN's "explosive" report that, according to "sources," President Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen claimed the then-presidential candidate knew about the June 2016 meetings at Trump Tower between Donald Trump, Jr., and Russians. Cohen's lawyer Lanny Davis appeared on CNN on Wednesday night and directly refuted the story.

The jury in the Paul Manafort trial has ended deliberations for the day without a verdict. This comes after jury questions yesterday, including asking the judge to clarify the meaning of "reasonable doubt." As mentioned in yesterday's post, Paul Manafort is being prosecuted because of who he knows. I hope he walks, the judge's guidance probably didn't clarify anything:

Could our political media be any more narcissistic? Actually, don't answer that. Tuesday night, CNN's Jim Acosta (the guy who loves to make himself the story) was greeted by attendees at a Trump rally in Tampa, though certainly not in the way he probably hoped. Rally-goers flipped him the bird, yelled "CNN sucks!" called him a "traitor" in between the chorus of loud boooos.

When I tell you that you must assume that everything the news media has to say about self-defense law and events is 100% wrong until proven otherwise, this is why: CNN: "What you need to know about 'stand your ground' laws". The errors on "Stand-Your-Ground" in particular and self-defense law in general, whether these errors are borne of ignorance or malice, are almost too numerous to count. But let us make the effort, shall we?

Are you getting tired of this yet? I know I am. The media obsession with non-stories is tiresome, but because the he-said, she-said is what's passing for serious news these days (regardless of veracity) we can't ignore it. So, here we are. Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen recently claimed that President Trump was aware of Don Jr.'s Trump Tower meeting. Left-leaning media is obsessed with the Trump Tower meeting. They're completely, wholly convinced it was during this meeting that Russia collision occurred.

We've been covering self-serving glory hound and CNN media personality Jim Acosta's blatantly partisan embrace of the anti-Trump #Resistance   Acosta is what happens when regressive leftist "journalists" become so enraptured with themselves that they forget all about the basic tenets of journalism and embrace reality tv status as a sort of birthright.