Clarence Thomas | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is now calling on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to resign or be impeached. This stems from the Democrat/media feeding frenzy over Thomas' wife Ginni and her involvement with pro-Trump activists following the 2020 election.

Donald Trump was elected president. But it wasn't over. There immediately launched an attempt to pressure Electors to change their votes, then an FBI-Democrat collusive attempt to undermine the presidency before it began, and a slow-motion coup to prevent the administration from governing. It's still not over, as Democrats hurl themselves towards the cliff of impeachment.

The Supreme Court upheld an Indiana law that required a burial or cremation of an aborted human being, but decided to provide an unsigned opinion on the portion of the law that bans abortion based on sex, race, and disability. Vice President Mike Pence signed the bill into law in 2016 when he served as governor of Indiana. Justice Clarence Thomas issued an opinion in support of the Indiana law on abortion restrictions due to eugenics using abortion as a form of eugenics on minorities.

Opponents of the 2nd Amendment are gearing up to exploit the Parkland School shooting by making it part of the Resistance movement against Trump, the NRA and Republicans. That was obvious from the start, and it's more so now that the March For Our Lives on March 24 picks up celebrity donations and endorsements. Rather than proposing solutions that might actually reduce school gun violence while also respecting the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens protected under the 2nd Amendment, it is turning into the equivalent of the Women's March that greeted Trump's Inauguration. Meanwhile, a week before that, the Women's March organization itself is organizing a national school walkout.

In 1991, Anita Hill claimed Supreme Court Justice nominee Clarence Thomas had sexually harassed her while she was in her 20s. She testified at Thomas' confirmation hearings before five white, male Senators. At the time former Vice President Joe Biden served as the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman. As decades-old sexual misdoing allegations surface in every facet of public life, Hill's story has been met with renewed interest. To her, Biden has yet to take "ownership of his role in what happened."

Orwell: “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”...

"Confirmation," an original film by HBO airs Saturday night. Supposedly, the movie chronicles Justice Clarence Thomas' Supreme Court Confirmation hearings. Many of the writers, producers, and actors in "Confirmation" are Democratic Party donors and loyalists, so the bias isn't entirely shocking, but it is worth noting. A site called Confirmation Biased is out to set the record straight. One of the film's most egregious offenses is the omission of the numerous woman who testified on behalf of Justice Thomas' character following the accusations made by Anita Hill.