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Boris Johnson Tag

Boris Johnson's sweeping win in the British elections (via his Conservative Party) was an enormous body blow not just to the socialists, but to the anti-Israel movement. Their hopes and dreams of destroying Israel rested on wrestling control of a major western democracy, and Britain was their best shot.

In one of the most important votes in the British parliament's history, the newly elected lawmakers have resoundingly approved Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Brexit deal. The Withdrawal Agreement Bill passed in the Lower House by 358 votes to 234.

What does the massive British Conservative Party victory, which will keep Boris Johnson as Prime Minister but this time with a huge mandate to "get Brexit done," mean for the U.S.? There are many parallels between what drove the 2019 British election, and those driving the 2020 U.S. presidential election. First among them, is a party (Democrats) whose political agenda has been to repudiate and unwind the 2016 presidential vote, much as the "remainers" (chief among them Labour) sought to repudiate and unwind the 2016 Brexit vote.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's election victory over his rival Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn triggered an unprecedented meltdown in European Liberal media and political circles. The Conservative Party led by Johnson won a resounding 80-seat majority on Thursday, paving the way for Brexit by the end of next month. While the Conservatives secured their biggest majority since Margaret Thatcher's victory in 1987, the socialist Labour registered its worst election performance since 1935.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Conservative Party has won a landslide victory in Thursday's general election, final results show. With 644 seats out of 650 declared so far, Conservatives have won 366, Labour secured 203, followed by the potential Labour ally Scottish National Party (SNP) at 48. The pro-EU Liberal Democrats got 11 seats. Nigel Farage's Brexit party, which pulled majority of its candidates in favor of the Conservatives, failed to register a single win.

The UK Conservative party's lead is narrowing in polls as Remain parties enter an election pact to defeat Prime Minister Johnson and prevent Brexit ahead of the December 12 general election. The pro-EU Liberal Democrats and the Green party are targeting specific constituencies to maximize their chances of entering the parliament. The so-called 'Remain Alliance' is targeting "dozens of seats across the UK in an all-out bid to block Boris Johnson and Brexit," the Daily Mail reported Sunday.

The United Kingdom is heading towards an uncertain future since Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Members of Parliament (MP) still cannot agree on Brexit. Parliament just entered a five-week-long suspension ahead of the October 31 Brexit deadline. Ahead of the parliament's shutdown, Johnson hoped to call a snap election for mid-October but failed twice to secure the required two-thirds majority in the Lower House of Commons. Instead, the MPs passed a bill designed to delay the Brexit deadline beyond October if the UK failed to reach a deal with the European Union.

I don't know a ton about Boris Johnson. He's the former Mayor of London, is very pro-Israel and hates the BDS movement, led the Brexit campaign only to withdraw from contention to be Prime Minister, and was just appointed Foreign Minister (okay, "Foreign Secretary") in Theresa May's new cabinet. And he has a mop of blonde hair. He obviously has some wit, as in a 2007 column in The Telegraph newspaper in Britain, wherein he described Hillary Clinton in terms we all can appreciate (emphasis added):
"She's got dyed blonde hair and pouty lips, and a steely blue stare, like a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital ..."
Sounds like he was channeling Rush Limbaugh, who made the comparison just a couple of months earlier, Mrs. Clinton Plays Nurse Ratched: Hillary Clinton Nurse Ratched