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Blogging Tag

Mathew Yglesias is one of the leading liberal bloggers pushing ObamaCare KennedyCare. Since every Senate vote counts, Yglesias and other KennedyCare promoters need to justify the Massachusetts legislature's pending flip-flop on how to select a successor to Ted Kennedy, to allow the Democratic Governor to...

Steve Benen at Washington Monthly's Political Animal blog complains that conservatives are working off some pre-determined script as to Ted Kennedy's death:"It looks like word went out yesterday about what leading conservative voices should say about Ted Kennedy's death: complain about the memorial service that...

NY Times columnist Maureen Dowd criticized Sarah Palin for using Facebook to write about Obama's health care plans:She took a forum, Facebook, more commonly used by kids hooking up and cyberstalking, and with one catchy phrase, several footnotes and a zesty disregard for facts, managed...

This is my official Obligatorily Snarky Obama Joker Poster Post. No poster. Find it on your own by driving in L.A. or opening almost any other blog. Just this:"What goes around comes around."Do check out my prior post, Because Only The Far Right Incites Violence,...

Various blogs have linked to [purported] nude photos of Obama's mother. I will not. It is wrong.I know that left-wing blogs would link to nude photos of Sarah Palin if they could find them, and Photoshop Sarah anyway into faux nude scenes. I know they...

The remains of Navy Captain Scott Speicher, a pilot who has been missing since being shot down during the 1991 Gulf War, have been positively identified. The Pentagon has released a statement:The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) has positively identified remains recovered in Iraq...

One of the joys of blogging under your real name is getting e-mails like this:Mr. Jacobson,You wrote: "While the mainstream media and left-wing blogs constantly tell us that Republicans and conservatives are dead politically, I don't think they actually believe what they are saying."Actually, some...

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If you want a good measure of how desperate Barack Obama has become to force through his health care agenda before the August recess, there is no better evidence than Obama's conference call yesterday with far left bloggers such as Crooks and Liars, Hullabaloo, and...

Do we really need a Latke Czar, as suggested by Bruce Bialosky (h/t Israel Matzav):This may not affect the average American, but to Jewish Americans this is of utmost importance. Since the President has done everything possible to antagonize Jews over Israel, I thought he...

I have blogged about the horrendous treatment of Trig Palin by many left-wing bloggers. While making fun of Trig's Down syndrome makes such attacks particularly disgusting, the point is ...

It really is hard to understand why some adults feel the need to make fun of Trig Palin, a one-year old who has Down Syndrome. Politics alone cannot explain it. If you don't like Sarah Palin, fine, but why go after Trig?The controversy regarding the...

I have to say, the left-wing blogosphere has been pretty responsible as relates to the Iranian election fraud.I've followed the posting via Memeorandum by Andrew Sullivan, Matthew Yglesias, Spencer Ackerman, Digby, Hilzoy, and others with whom I normally disagree. While I might not have their...

In a highly scientific analysis, John Hawkins ranks the Top 40 Conservative Blogs. I'm pleased that he lists Legal Insurrection as #18.I'll take it. And thanks.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Ed Whelan "outed" law professor "Publius" causing an interesting Sunday at Memeorandum. My last post concluded that Whelan and Publius deserved each other.Now Whelan apologizes. And Publius accepts the apology and wants to move on to covering John & Kate Plus 8 (not that...

Annonyblogging-Gate keeps going, with new posts by Jonah Goldberg and others at Memeorandum.One blog post that hasn't received enough attention, though, is by Simon Owens at Bloggasm, who actually has spoken with both Ed Whelan and Publius. Are bloggers allowed to speak to people rather...

Conservative blogger Ed Whelan "outed" an anonymous liberal blogger who penned under the name Publius. Turns out Publius is a junior law professor who was afraid that revealing his identity would jeopardize his career prospects and family relationships. While Publius worried about the reaction of...

In an earlier post, I noted how one Huffington Post blogger, Allison Kilkenny, had called John Bolton "crazy" just five days ago for warning that North Korea was on the verge of another nuclear test. I wondered whether there would be an apology in light...